Is It Gray Enough Yet Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Hermosa (#1) looking a bit dismal on this second to the last day of July...

You'll recall that before 1960, most everything was in black and white.  We have reason to believe that the persistent grayness that we've been experiencing is a return to the 50's B & W.  One to two miles visibility and a heavy drizzle.  Winds are onshore by 4.3kts and the sea surface is sporting a light chop.  The air is a damp 60.0 and the water is even damper at 62.1.  High tide is at 7:57am +3.6' and low tide follows at 12:24pm +2.3'.  How it's possible, we don't know, but we have a west swell out of 267ยบ at 3' and it's still only 1' to 2'.  Our best guess is that the wind is knocking things down a bit.  The high temperatures inland are reeking havoc on our marine weather patterns...

Typically not an advocate of corporal punishment, here (#2) we have a photo of LoLa paddling Scarlett...

These mustaches (#3) are older than most of the people with whom they surf!  Doc ? and the Professor dusting burrito crumbs for this pic...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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