Get Your Kicks On Route 66 Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Tarsan getting his kicks on Route 66 (#1) as he blasts through the southwest on his trip to physically avoid the Corona Virus by driving through vast tracks of desert and physically distancing himself from as many people as possible...  As near as we can tell, it's working like gangbusters...

Then there's Big Head Christian on the nose (#2).  All we know is that turning in that short a radius would be like riding the teacups at Disneyland and be followed by projectile emesis...

Another fun morning with a little more offshore to the tune of 5kts and a little bumpier playing surface.  Partly cloudy skies, clearing about 9am and 20 miles visibility.  The air was a warm 68 and the water is 67.3.  Low tide is at 10:01am +1.8' and high tide is at 6:07pm +4.7'.  We are enjoying a west swell out of 270º at 3.0' and it was just that with some bigger outsides.  Capitán Donaldo says that there are small craft advisories on the outer waters and we should have another day of similar surf!  We like that notion and are preparing to check it mañana...  Hope to see you!

Sara, Yoshi and LoLa eating outside (#3) and physically distancing this evening at Capt. Kidd's.  That didn't work so well for René and Susie (#4) from the Arizona section of Route 66.  They're still used to hugging and proximate socialization...  Let's see how that's working out for Arizona...

Meanwhile, the attire for robbing liquor stores has taken a dramatic turn with the introduction of masks, buffs and balaclavas.  Here (#5) we have two felons in the parking lot of Party House Liquors trying to find the front door.  This was compounded by the setting sun and the failing ambient light.  We understand that they decided to get back on their getaway bicycles and reschedule for next week...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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