No Requirements Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

It's Capitán Donaldo's bike's spot and if you park your surfboard in his place...  well, he'll park there anyway...

10 miles visibility this morning under mostly overcast skies.  Winds were variable and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 66.3 and the water is 67.8.  Low tide was at 7:13am +0.0' and high tide follows at 2:03pm +4.0'.  We had a SSW swell out of 205º at 2.6' and it was 3' and fun all along the surfline...

Tarsan is on the road and he doesn't always pick the most savory places in which to spend the night.  He got this room (#2) not far from of St. Louis, but he had to share it with a long term tenant...  We plan to call him in the morning to make sure he had a good night...

When in Southern California, make sure you're prepared for the evening weather.  As always, flannel is the go-to chill stopper.  (#3) From L. to R. Nathan Fast (In The Morning), The Sensei Joey, Bama Burke, Lady Suzi Paine, Peanut, the Professor, LoLa, Anaconda Burke, Hazel and Martin Luther Burke...  Like Mark Twain said, "The coldest winter I ever spent was summer in San Francisco."  That goes for So. Cal as well...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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