The Last Of Fogust Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S unday was Suzi's b-day and the crew got together to say "Happy Birthday!" It was a fun morning of surf, a bit small, but the birthday girl managed to once again win the wave count contest. Gathered 'round the table (#1) were, Jah Morgan, Mr. Christian, Selfie-Sal, the Sensei-Joey, Jetski and the birthday girl herself! O vercast this morning with 5 miles visibility. Winds were light out of the north and the sea surface was lightly textured. The air temperature was 63.5 and the water was 68.4. High tide was at 9:41am +4.8' and low tide will be at 2:55pm +1.9'. We have a SSW swell out of 194º at 2.3'. It was a small 1' to 2' and a good day to ride your bike... I t was reported that Jonsea ran an ad featuring this photo of Jah (#2) and immediately sold more wetsuits than he had all last season. Jah is looking smart, trim and we might say intriguing... but for the record, we think she looks best riding a wave and s...