
Showing posts from August, 2020

The Last Of Fogust Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S unday was Suzi's b-day and the crew got together to say "Happy Birthday!"  It was a fun morning of surf, a bit small, but the birthday girl managed to once again win the wave count contest.  Gathered 'round the table (#1) were, Jah Morgan, Mr. Christian, Selfie-Sal, the Sensei-Joey, Jetski and the birthday girl herself! O vercast this morning with 5 miles visibility.  Winds were light out of the north and the sea surface was lightly textured.  The air temperature was 63.5 and the water was 68.4.  High tide was at 9:41am +4.8' and low tide will be at 2:55pm +1.9'.  We have a SSW swell out of 194º at 2.3'.  It was a small 1' to 2' and a good day to ride your bike... I t was reported that Jonsea ran an ad featuring this photo of Jah (#2) and immediately sold more wetsuits than he had all last season.  Jah is looking smart, trim and we might say intriguing...  but for the record, we think she looks best riding a wave and s...

A Pharmacology Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Y EAH, that's some good hair!  #1 the Sensei Joey breaching those long locks while waiting for an outside... J etski (#2) sneaking from the outside, not that you'd notice... H azy sun and 10+ miles visibility.  Winds were variable out of the west from 6 to 9kts and the sea surface was bumped and uneven.  The air temp was 63.9 and the3 water is 68.0 and felt accommodating.  High tide was at 8:03am +4.0' and low tide follows at 12:36pm +2.7'.  There was a west swell out of 260º at 4.3' and i9t was 3' to 5' and an adventure in finding the right spot and the right waves to take off on.  Bacalao christened his new stick and got some fine glides even though the odds were against him (a testimony to the Barahona brand).  In fact it was another day of Barahonas making the surf look a lot better than it was...  Tomorrow might be your turn!  Not only that, Kimmy Suz was there, making us all want to impress our favorite Las Vegas b...

Another Boat Drinks Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... D emonstrating various forms of "Sneaking", we have Jetski coming from the corner (#1) and crouching through the drop to gather a bit of speed before launching down the line... A beautiful morning with nary a cloud in the sky and 20+ miles visibility.  Winds were calm and the sea surface had a gentle roll, left over from yesterday.  The air temp was 65.8 and the water is 69.6.  High tide was at 7:07am +3.6' and low tide is 11:22am +2.8, for not a lot of tide drain.  We have a SSW swell out of 197º at 4.6' and it was 3' to 5' and some good ones if you paddled hard and were patient... C loser to the "Office" Ronnie (#2) was linking up the lefts all the way to the pier.  But when the occasional right came through, he was on it...  He's been using the Barahona Titan Model and getting beau coup waves... Z ac Snyder (#3) was a new addition to the RUHS team last year and he's been getting better with every session.  He's p...

Weak Willed Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... H ere we have Auzi (#1) getting some speed down the line and trying not to tag our photographer (Jah Morgan.)  He and his brother are from Santa Monica and are regulars with Marion Clark... H umor In The Time Of Covid... A man walks in to a bar and orders a a Corona and two Hurricanes... Bartender says, "That'll be $20.20 W e walked out on the pier this morning and it looked like there might be some possibilities.  By the time we suited up the wind had kicked up to 6 to 9kts and the sea surface was chopped and uneven.  It was cloudy and the air temperature was 67.3 and the water is 70.0.  Low tide was at 9:48am +2.6' and high tide was at 4:34pm +5.5'.  There was a west swell out of 260º at 3.9' and it was 2' to 4' with a strong push, but chopped up conditions that made it really unrideable...  Maybe mañana... N ow here's something you don't see very often.  We have Mr. Christian (#2) suddenly coming to the realization that he...

A Tabloid Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... L et's run some portraits today and then the rest of the week we'll dive into the surf as shot by our ace photog, none other than Jah Morgan.  The benefits of a new camera and housing are many, but none as much as being the friend of someone who gets a new camera and housing and they want to take photos of their friends surfing!  In #1 we have Aubrie "CoCo" Sorensen showing off the paddling technique that she's made famous, BUT it's also a nice portrait... L ess than 10 miles visibility this morning under cloudy skies.  Winds were annoying out of the west by 5 to 7 kts and the sea surface was choppy.  The air temperature was 69.5 and the water was 70.9, but the wind chilled things down a bit.  Low tide was at 8:28am 2.1' and high tide was at 3:21pm +5.4'.  There's a SW swell out of 228º at 2.6' and it was 2' and spitting mushburgers, but entertaining for the assembled familia.  On a happy note, Doc ? is back from his t...

An Erie Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O n the banks of Lake Erie, Doc ? (#1) poses for his fans who were anxious to see a genuine California surfer...  Lookin' pretty flat out there Doc! H ermosa was cloudy this morning with 5 miles visibility.  Wind was stiff onshore gusting over 7kts and the sea surface was bumped up.  The air was 69.3 and the water is 70.7.  Low tide was at 7:33am +1.5' and high tide is at 2:15pm +5.4'.  There was a SSW swell this morning out of 205º at 2.6' and it had enough push, but was a bit ragged and not clean like our next photo of this weekend... S uzi (#2) on a nice little left.  If we recall correctly, on Sunday she caught something like 39 waves!  Every time you'd look for her she was rocketing toward the beach or paddling back out for another one.  That's her favorite "Mondrian" board that José shaped and that she and the Sensei Joey painted.  A real collectors item... A nother left with Adam Hinshaw (#3) rockin' the softy....

Fungiform Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... #1)   So bright out there the Professor had to hide behind Jetski's curls!  That's figuratively and literally as Jetski proceeded to have another day off the Richter catching everything in sight.  To put this in perspective, he was out there with Larry Dairy, Ronnie's Diner, Don Congrejo, Mr. Christian, Brendan and the Professor.  In #2 you see him on a late go and then hop to a knee knocked hood ornament turn (#3).  Lots of smoke and no mirrors!  (Props to our photog, Jah Morgan as she subbed for Mr. Simmons behind the lens.) H azy sun this morning and the wind was on from the start.  It's variable, but persistent from the west-north-west by 3kts and the sea surface had a bit of texture.  The air temp was 70 and the water was 72.5 for delightful conditions.  Low tide was early at 5:33am -0.4' and high tide follows at 11:55am +5.1'.  Tides flip next week with lows in the a.m.  There's a SSW swell out of 208º at...

And Away We Go Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I f you're wondering where Doc ? was this morning image #1 should give you a hint.  Doesn't it look an awful lot like Springdale, Utah?  Yeah, well it certainly does because it is.  He and Reed are making their way to Ohio for the "Great Midwestern Mud Surfing Rodeo."  L ot's of waves this morning with Jetski getting the dump for his aggressive attack.  10 miles visibility and little or no wind.  The air was 70 and the water was 71.8.  High tide was at 11:17am +4.9' and low tide follows at 4:47plm +1.3'.  We have a 2.6' swell out of SSW 199º and it was 2' to 3' with some nice little zippers along the inside sand bars...  Jetski got like 13 waves, with Ronnie and Larry Dairy in the 20's...  Fun, fun, fun... Y ou've heard of the Hall's of Montezuma, well, this is Emilee Hall (#2) from Redondo Beach.  She is Seawolf's daughter and is working on honing her surfing skills.  In the middle of all of that she also...

Wishy-Washy Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o, how foggy was it yesterday?  #1 Tells the story pretty well.  Actually, as the fog started to burn off the waves got better and everyone had a really good time.  This morning we had 10 miles visibility under a hazy sun.  Light winds from the north and the sea surface was glassy with a short roll.  The air temperature was 71.5 and the water was 71.1.  High tide was at 10:43am +4.7' and low tide will be at 3:58pm +1.5'.  We have a rather oblique SSW swell out of 200º at 3.0' and it's about 2' and if you were in the right place, like Larry Dairy you might get a zipper all the way to the pier from Scotty's bubbles... I f you zoom in on Suzi and the Sensei Joey (#2) you can see their matching forearm tattoos.  Very chic... #3 wouldn't be such a big deal if it weren't for the subject.  YES!  This  is Mr. Christian getting ahead of his board on a grinder at El Porto.  The number of wipeout photos he's featu...

Monopolistic Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... #1)  W hy are these men laughing?  Well, mostly because the surf is so damned small that it's kinda funny.  It was cloudy this morning and then got foggy for about an half an hour for no good reason.  The air temperature was 65.9 and the water is 68.4, but probably not in the surf line, which felt more like 64...  High tide was at 9:48am +4.8' and lo2w tide will be at 2:32pm 2.1'.  We have a weak SSW swell out of 197º at 1.6' and it was barely 1' and... .. .A nd the Professor SUP'ed this morning in an effort to gain some perspective on the virtually flat playing field.  There are rumors that he is considering ramping up his skills on the sweeping platform.  He refused to answer our questions (#2) although he was relatively polite.  Do you have any idea how many stingrays you see when you're standing up there like that? I n case you were wondering, Doc ? has rescheduled his trip to Ohio.  We have asked him to keep hi...

Kukla, Fran & Ollie Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S herman get the "Wayback" ready...  we're going back to 1955 and Kukla, Fran and Ollie (#1)...  In retrospect Kukla wasn't as much a kook as a lot of people we know.  Of course Ollie (the one tooth alligator) seemed to get most of the laughs.  Fran Allison was a star in her own right, but together they were magic... N o kooks out there today as the sun came up like a million dollars in an almost cloudless sky.  The sea surface was smooth and the air temp was 68.0.  Unfortunately the water temp was 63.0 knee knocking degrees.  Here's hoping a couple of days of sun warms things up.  High tide was at 8:16am +3.5' and low tide follows at 12:11pm +2.8'.  We have a SSW swell out of 192º at 2.6' and it was 2' to 3' and some interesting rolling jumpers.  You had to be on your toes to navigate some of the backwash.  If you weren't, you ended up (on your toes) anyway... T en years ago today the Professor (#2) was trying...

Kook Kontrol Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... N ature's own Kook kontrol (#1)...  Well, almost...  This is actually one of our own shark girls trolling the kelp beds off of Palos Verdes...  ( Paul Roustan costuming and photo ...) G etting ready to hit some oily/glassy little peelers, Bacalao and Kira Bones (#2) mug for the camera.  Winds were light from the SW and skies were cloudy with scattered showers suggested for some areas.  Water at the buoy has taken a real dip to 60.6 and the air is a relatively warm 65.5.  High tide was at 7:34am +3.2' and low tide follows at 11:00am +2.9'.  We are enjoying a SSW swell out of 192º at 2.6' and it was like that, about 2.6'... F urther south in hurricane influenced mainland Mex, we have Connor Beatty getting shacked in this fuzzy screen-grab (#3).  If you get a chance to see the video, he comes in and out of the barrel about three times and then just skates over the shoulder for a rare pull out... T he placement is key, but someti...

Who's Calling Who A Kook Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I f you take a close look at photo #1 you can see how glassy and calm the conditions are (at 7:35am) when we checked it out.  Little did we know that by the time we got our wetsuits on (3/2's are the call this Fogust) winds had changed onshore by 6 to 8kts and the sea surface was bumped up.  That fog bank moved in and visibility was down to half-a-mile.  The air temperature was 58.8 and the water has dropped to 62.4.  High tide was at 6:04am +2.9' and low tide will be early at 9:33am +2.7' for a really almost insignificant change.  We have a SSW swell out of 205º at 2.6' and it was 1' to 2' and sloppy, but we got some little ones anyway...  If there's any good news it's that there a bit of a northwest swell out of 310º (as shown in #2) and it could thread the Anacapa Islands and maybe give us a bit of a push.  There's also a disturbance west of Baja and should that carry further west, we might get some bounce from that...  He...

Too Many Kooks Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T here are too many kooks out there.  Maybe the virus has infected typically normal people and turned them into kooks or maybe they were always out there and we never noticed.  Well, this is "Kook Week" on the LBS&CR and we'll start out with the word itself:  kook.  Webster's tells us that it's one who's actions are eccentric, fantastic or insane: screwball. (A shortening and alteration of "cuckoo")  Well, that's wrong...  It actually comes from the Hawaiian word "kukai" which means shit.  So if someone was acting out they called them a "kuk", like, "You stupid shit/kook!"  So in photo #1 we have a bunch of kooks on the Knob Hill lifeguard tower.  How can we tell?  Well, the only people who go near the towers are 1. Lifeguards and 2. people who are in the throes of an emergency.  Surfers make a career out of avoiding the towers... O vercast this morning, small and blowing onshore.  That'...