Wishy-Washy Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

So, how foggy was it yesterday?  #1 Tells the story pretty well.  Actually, as the fog started to burn off the waves got better and everyone had a really good time.  This morning we had 10 miles visibility under a hazy sun.  Light winds from the north and the sea surface was glassy with a short roll.  The air temperature was 71.5 and the water was 71.1.  High tide was at 10:43am +4.7' and low tide will be at 3:58pm +1.5'.  We have a rather oblique SSW swell out of 200º at 3.0' and it's about 2' and if you were in the right place, like Larry Dairy you might get a zipper all the way to the pier from Scotty's bubbles...

If you zoom in on Suzi and the Sensei Joey (#2) you can see their matching forearm tattoos.  Very chic...

#3 wouldn't be such a big deal if it weren't for the subject.  YES!  This  is Mr. Christian getting ahead of his board on a grinder at El Porto.  The number of wipeout photos he's featured in is really low... like ONE...

Speaking of El Porto, Bobby Warchola (shown in #4 with Sarah Foley) got rousted by some kook and his girlfriend for looking through his binoculars and taking pictures of pretty girls...  which apparently at El Porto is a crime akin to taking up two parking spaces...  But as things turn, Bobby saw him go to his vehicle and pull out a foamy...  Basically, Bobby's head exploded and he began a rant that's still going on.  He started by telling the guy that he would never be a waterman.  He advised him to take up lawn bowling, golf, checkers or paddle tennis, anything but surfing...  He accused him of being a entitled millennial and that he should leave the beach... immediately... 

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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