Weak Willed Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Here we have Auzi (#1) getting some speed down the line and trying not to tag our photographer (Jah Morgan.)  He and his brother are from Santa Monica and are regulars with Marion Clark...

Humor In The Time Of Covid...
A man walks in to a bar and orders a a Corona and two Hurricanes...
Bartender says, "That'll be $20.20

We walked out on the pier this morning and it looked like there might be some possibilities.  By the time we suited up the wind had kicked up to 6 to 9kts and the sea surface was chopped and uneven.  It was cloudy and the air temperature was 67.3 and the water is 70.0.  Low tide was at 9:48am +2.6' and high tide was at 4:34pm +5.5'.  There was a west swell out of 260º at 3.9' and it was 2' to 4' with a strong push, but chopped up conditions that made it really unrideable...  Maybe mañana...

Now here's something you don't see very often.  We have Mr. Christian (#2) suddenly coming to the realization that he's abandoned his ride and is now holding forth sans surfboard.  The amazing thing is that he made it another twenty feet before he noticed he was skidding along on his feet...  got in a couple of turns though...

Then there's Suzi and Joey (#3) showing off their matching forearm tats...  Kinda cool how they combine to make a symmetrical design...

Then we have this cool black and white shot of Jesse Rae (#4) hanging five and a bit more.  Jah told us that when she saw this shot she imagined that Jesse should have wings and that it would be an angelic kind of pose.  With or without wings, she's always really composed while noseriding...

(Note:  We've gotten word that some of the photos aren't cooperating when you try to enlarge them.  We're working on those formatting glitches and trying to get them to work properly...  Ed.)

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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