And Away We Go Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

If you're wondering where Doc ? was this morning image #1 should give you a hint.  Doesn't it look an awful lot like Springdale, Utah?  Yeah, well it certainly does because it is.  He and Reed are making their way to Ohio for the "Great Midwestern Mud Surfing Rodeo." 

Lot's of waves this morning with Jetski getting the dump for his aggressive attack.  10 miles visibility and little or no wind.  The air was 70 and the water was 71.8.  High tide was at 11:17am +4.9' and low tide follows at 4:47plm +1.3'.  We have a 2.6' swell out of SSW 199º and it was 2' to 3' with some nice little zippers along the inside sand bars...  Jetski got like 13 waves, with Ronnie and Larry Dairy in the 20's...  Fun, fun, fun...

You've heard of the Hall's of Montezuma, well, this is Emilee Hall (#2) from Redondo Beach.  She is Seawolf's daughter and is working on honing her surfing skills.  In the middle of all of that she also needed to practice dealing with oddball old guys who get in your way...  She happens to be doing great on both accounts...  Hasn't quite gotten swearing down properly, but it's still early...

Show us the love...  Bobby Warchola, flanked by Sarah Foley and Meg Hertzel (#3) showed off his recently painted stick on the side that was P.C. enough for us to run... 

Then there's First-Mate Rebecca and Capt. Aubrie at Aubrie's bachelorette party.  Aubrie will be in town with Adam starting on Friday night and we expect there'll be some surfing involved...  At "Aubrieland"?  You betcha'...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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