
Showing posts from November, 2020

Maybe Tryptophan Poisoning Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T o get the holiday started off right, we had a warm-up with Aunt Vania, Uncle Christian and Jah Morgan (#1).  This anticipated all of the turkey and sides that would be adding not only a prodigious amount of tryptophan to our tortured systems, but carbs in all their insidious iterations...  One word:  yams... C lear skies this morning and winds out of the northeast by 2kts.  The sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 54.0º and the water is holding at 61.2º.  High tide was a full-moon addled high at 8:16am +6.1' and low at 3:28pm -0.4'.  We has a SSW swell out of 205º at 3.0' and it was 3' but you had to wait until the tide went out enough to make it work...  We're hearing that it's supposed to be getting bigger by the end of the week... A s we pulled up behind this truck (#2), all we could see initially was "Liquid Death."  Couldn't tell what it was or where it was going, but there it was "Liquid Death." ...

Tincture Of Rit Dye Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W e have to admit that when we saw this photograph(#1), we thought Rudy's hair dye was running down his face like everyone else.  However, upon closer inspection (for which we have become somewhat renowned) we determined that his sideburn (apparently consisting of some polystyrene based fibers) was MELTING!  Go ahead, zoom in on that puppy and check it out.  Time for some sidewalls Rudy.  Looks like he just caught sight of himself in the monitor... I t's not the same (#2) without the Beatles...  Nice sunset though... C lear skies and a windless morning greeted the enthusiastic group at the pier this morning.  It was a chilly 48º in the air and 62.6º in the water.  High tide was at 5:54am +5.0' and low tide was at 12:10pm +1.7'.  We have a west swell out of 274º advertised at 2.6' at the buoy.  Well, that didn't make any sense because it was 4' to head-high and a couple of larger growlers that came out of nowhere and left...

Is My Mascara Running Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I t has come to our attention that men are several times more likely to contract the Covid virus via their eyes than women!  Hey, whaddya mean here?  Well, those little Covid viruses attach themselves to all manner of mucus membranes, like those that surround your eyes and then jump into your bloodstream and infect your poor-ass body.  But why more men than women?  Mostly because men rub the shit out of their eyes and women don't because they don't want to smear their makeup!  Have you heard that Johnny Depp has Covid?  Of course NOT...  Maybe it's time to go pirate or Keith Richards... W ell, it's that time of year again...  Yes, the SCCE (Sand Castle Corps of Engineers) is at it again building the berm (#1) to protect the LA County Lifeguard Station from the vicissitudes of Mother Nature.  If past is prologue this means that there will be absolutely no major wave events until the spring when the berm is scheduled to be...

Always An Interesting Gambit Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... A writer, champ surfer and now she's branched out into photography!  Jah Morgan (#1) poses here for Kaweeka with her water housing.  We've asked for some further examples of her work, but here (#2) is a water's eye view of the Professor pinballing off a little one running down the beach... P artly cloudy this morning with 10 miles visibility.  Winds were light, almost calm and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 58.5º and the water is 61.9º.  Really getting to be time for your 4/3.  Low tide was at 6:33am +3.3' and high tide follows at 12:28pm +5.0'.  We had a west swell out of 268º at 3.6' and it was a quick 3' to 5' with some outsides that kept you on your toes... O ne of Redondo's finest, Kyle Beatty (#3) is shown here charging what looks like full-sized Pipeline or Fiji.  He has always seemed to be a step behind older brother Conner, but it doesn't look like he's taking a back seat to anyone here! ✠ "W...

Thurston Howell The Third Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... C rowded this morning (#1), with the Hermosa Valley kids in the water and some of the RUHS team (including the Coaches) catching some good ones.  There was a hazy sun and less than 10 miles visibility.  Winds were calm and the wind started up early, but not hard.  The sea surface remained smooth and the air was 56.1º and the water didn't seem as warm as the posted 61.5º.  Low tide was at 5:08am +3.0' and high tide followed at 11:23am +5.7'.  We had a pulsing west swell out of 271º at 3.6' and it was in the 3' to 5' range, with an occasional cleanup set that didn't really pay attention to the details of size or shape... Y ou think you have it rough when someone drops in on you?  How'd you like to be Eddie Aikau and have both Larry Bertelmann and Reno Abellira dropping in on you at Waimea?  We'd like to think that as soon as Larry saw what he did to Reno, he kicked out immediately.  Then of course Reno, pulled that Popsicle roc...

Pairs To Draw To Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O ur first pair would be Jetski and Tarsan waiting for some huatchenango at Ilianet's House of Fine Dining.  In the midst of the pandemic we actually felt pretty safe.  The tables were a safe distance apart, everything was outside and the steady warm ocean breeze kept things fresh and comfortable... R emember how we don't like fog and wind?  Well, it was foggy yesterday and predictably windy this morning with gusts up to 6kts onshore and bumpy surface conditions.  The air temperature was 54.5º and the water is 61.2º, but felt a bit chillier.  High tide was at 10:31am +6.3' and low tide was at 6:05pm -0.7'.  We had a west swell out of 260º at 2.3' and it was a wind-driven high tide 3' with poor conditions... P air number two would be Corky "4 Tits" Carroll and the Professor.  Corky has been working lately with José Barahona to shape his "Blue Mango" brand standups.  We had forgotten how closely Corky was tied to the South...

Let's Try Some Video Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Foggies this morning with about a hundred yards visibility.  Things looked positively apocalyptic (#1) as the fog came in on more than just cat's feet and managed to last not just all morning but all day!  Winds were offshore at 2.2kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 54.5º and the water is holding at 60.6º.  Which considering it's November, isn't too bad.  High tide was at 9:44am +6.8' and looked a bit like this (#2), although it got foggier as the morning grayed along.  Low tide was at 5:07pm -1.1' and was pretty dark by the time things bottomed out.  There's a WSW swell out of 257º at 2.3' and it was 3' and certainly had possibilities if you could see it.  There are a couple of things that can ruin your day.  Fog is one and wind is another.  So we got to try our fog hats on today... So here we have a video ...

Don't Do Math In Public Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... #1)   Can you feel the love?  Sometimes you keep it bottled up for so long, you just have to let it go!  In this case, it appears that there was a simultaneous explosion of love for the Jah Morgan, that just couldn't be contained any longer.  Clockwise from the top left, we have Mr. Christian, Kaitlin, Leigh, Doc ? and in the middle of this vortex, Jah Morgan herself...  10+ miles visibility under clear skies this morning, with offshore winds holding steady most of the day.  The air temperature was 61.9 and the water is 60.4.  A rather generous high tide at 9:03am +7.0' and low tide was at 4:14pm -1.3' for a big tidal swing.  A SW swell out of 214º at 2.6' and with a little help from the tide it was 3' to 4'.  We waited until noon to go out and the conditions held throughout the session, until the tide got so low that the corners disappeared and it became pretty longboard unfriendly... C ovid hair flying in the breeze a...

Another Friday The 13th Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... N othing like coming back home to temperatures that were a full 40º colder than where you were (#1. Jetski and Tarsan bundled up for the first morning back).  In this case it was Saladitas, that famous spot first seen in "Siestas & Olas" and the destination for some of the most memorable Lost Boy surf trips...  This year the crew consisted of Jah Morgan, Christian, Leigh, Kaitlin, Bianca, Tarsan, Doc ?, Jetski, LoLa and the Professor.  Kaitlin, Leigh and Bianca are all on the women's tour and Jah and Christian are near the top in California.  So it was a pretty talented group that hit the waves...  (notice how we rode some coattails there...) C lear skies this morning and 10+ miles visibility.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 48.8º and the water is 60.3º.  High tide was at 7:13am +6.5' and low tide follows at 1:50pm -0.4'.  We have a SSW swell out of 195º and the high tide pretty muc...

Exercise Your Mandate Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... VOTE! #1)   There were basically only two things wrong with this approach to watching a surf contest.  #1  How to get up there.  #2  How to get down.  Of course you always had an enthusiastic group of "friends" who would love to shake your board until you fell off.  Typically upside down and backwards... S urf was small to non-existent today.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was smooth.  The air was 58.8º and the water was 66.7º.   High tide was at 9:08am +5.8' and low tide will be at 4:12pm +0.2'.  We barely have a SSW swell out of 209º at 2' and it was half of that to half of THAT! #2) Might have been the nadir for this surf movies genre.  Nothing like romance, mystery and excitement, not necessarily in that order. B efore there was Murphy or Wilbur Kookmeyer, there was Hot Curl by Michael Dormer (#3).  He first appeared in the beat magazine Scavenger around 1959 and set the tone for surf...