Exercise Your Mandate Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...


#1)  There were basically only two things wrong with this approach to watching a surf contest.  #1  How to get up there.  #2  How to get down.  Of course you always had an enthusiastic group of "friends" who would love to shake your board until you fell off.  Typically upside down and backwards...

Surf was small to non-existent today.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was smooth.  The air was 58.8º and the water was 66.7º.   High tide was at 9:08am +5.8' and low tide will be at 4:12pm +0.2'.  We barely have a SSW swell out of 209º at 2' and it was half of that to half of THAT!

#2) Might have been the nadir for this surf movies genre.  Nothing like romance, mystery and excitement, not necessarily in that order.

Before there was Murphy or Wilbur Kookmeyer, there was Hot Curl by Michael Dormer (#3).  He first appeared in the beat magazine Scavenger around 1959 and set the tone for surf imagery right off the bat.  There was even a statue in Laguna Beach, that was finally decapitated and removed by the local authorities.  Besides your STP sticker, Ratfink decal and local board shop t-shirt, you had to have a Hot Curl decal...

Considering the state of the world, the upcoming popularity contest and our generally poor attitude, we'll be hiding south of the border starting on Wednesday.  We anticipate returning to our work station on the 12th and hammering out our notes from the recon.  We also hope we get some passable photos to share, since we'll be traveling with a couple of certified photogs...  Short report mañana and then we'll catch you on the flip side...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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