Tincture Of Rit Dye Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

We have to admit that when we saw this photograph(#1), we thought Rudy's hair dye was running down his face like everyone else.  However, upon closer inspection (for which we have become somewhat renowned) we determined that his sideburn (apparently consisting of some polystyrene based fibers) was MELTING!  Go ahead, zoom in on that puppy and check it out.  Time for some sidewalls Rudy.  Looks like he just caught sight of himself in the monitor...

It's not the same (#2) without the Beatles...  Nice sunset though...

Clear skies and a windless morning greeted the enthusiastic group at the pier this morning.  It was a chilly 48º in the air and 62.6º in the water.  High tide was at 5:54am +5.0' and low tide was at 12:10pm +1.7'.  We have a west swell out of 274º advertised at 2.6' at the buoy.  Well, that didn't make any sense because it was 4' to head-high and a couple of larger growlers that came out of nowhere and left folks blowing bubbles under the lineup.  Mr. Christian, probably got the wave of the day, catching what looked like a long wall that devolved into a tube that left him room to keep his hair dry.  The end was predictably Hermosan, but until it closed out it was pretty damned spectacular... 

Here's (#3) the Brendan Simmons photo that we promised you yesterday.  Great light, sky and water and Jah Morgan to top it off.  Kinda looks like someplace else, which depending on where you are (Unless it's out in the water at Sapphire), might be true...

We've done turkey for a lot of Thanksgivings over the years.  So we thought that maybe it was time to change things up a bit and go with a naturally occurring species native to our shores.  Here the Professor waits patiently for this gull to jump on his shoulder, pirate style, so he can grab it and start the holiday preparations!  With that in mind we'll be out for the next few days, returning to the internet on Monday for a Thanksgiving recap and ceremonial decorating of the Christmas palm tree...  Ooh, da trills!

Happy Thanksgiving!
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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