Don't Do Math In Public Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

#1)  Can you feel the love?  Sometimes you keep it bottled up for so long, you just have to let it go!  In this case, it appears that there was a simultaneous explosion of love for the Jah Morgan, that just couldn't be contained any longer.  Clockwise from the top left, we have Mr. Christian, Kaitlin, Leigh, Doc ? and in the middle of this vortex, Jah Morgan herself... 

10+ miles visibility under clear skies this morning, with offshore winds holding steady most of the day.  The air temperature was 61.9 and the water is 60.4.  A rather generous high tide at 9:03am +7.0' and low tide was at 4:14pm -1.3' for a big tidal swing.  A SW swell out of 214º at 2.6' and with a little help from the tide it was 3' to 4'.  We waited until noon to go out and the conditions held throughout the session, until the tide got so low that the corners disappeared and it became pretty longboard unfriendly...

Covid hair flying in the breeze and a smile on his face, we have this shot of the Professor setting up for that section that jumps ahead of you just when you think you've got it made.  On this day the air was 87º and the water was 85º.  He's riding a Barahona Bullet "Model Tio" which worked great in these conditions.  Enough foam for easy paddling, a slight concave, perfect rail configuration with a 10" Nuuhiwa fin seemed to be the right combination for Saladitas...

Wouldn't be much of a surf trip without a sunset photo.  #3 was one of several spectacular evening we enjoyed from "Ilianet's" restaurant on the beach...  We'd see Ilianet in the water in the morning and she'd tell us the special for the evening.  Huachinango one night, molé the next and relleños on Sunday...  Yowzum!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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