Chips In Your Vaccine Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Someone told us that Bill Gates put microchips in the Covid vaccine so that they (they?) could track your whereabouts and use your body as an adjunct 5-G transmitter...  Here at "Mar y Fuego" our cell reception is lousy, so people are lining up to get the vaccine hoping that their service will improve.  As for your whereabouts, all we have to do is look at Instagram or Facebook and we know where you've been and with whom.  So far all the chips have been in the cookies...

The mornings have been cool, 43.9º and the water is 56.7º and to fortify yourself, you might construct a concoction of Pusser's Rum (#1)...  We advise against the operation of heavy equipment or automobiles if you imbibe.  Consider it in the evening...  Visibility was 15 miles and limited only by the smoke from the fire in Compton that burned tons of pallets and a few high-end tour buses (#2 & #3).  Winds were out of the SE by 3.3kts and the sea surface was smooth.  High tide was at 8:10am +6.2' and low tide followed at 3:05pm -1.2'.  We have a west swell out of 269º at 2.3', but the tide was rendering things too full to break properly.  Tomorrow we're looking at relatively the same tidal flow, but the swell is supposed to build.  So let's take a look and see if we can't make it good enough to go out.  Maybe Bill Gates can help us...

#4  "A Day Without Wine..."  It's therapeutic aspects are greatly underestimated.  Moreover it is rumored that wine, in as yet undetermined quantities, will cancel the harmful effects of 5-G transmissions and restore vigor to most individuals.  Testing is currently under way...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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