Would You Like A Wash With That Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

As near as we can recall, this is the first time we've run the entire sequence of Rebecca's wild photo shoot at Sunset Beach.  This might be a poster for "Never turn your back on the ocean."

#1  "Okay, this is my perfect Little Mermaid pose!

#2  "Yes, that sounded like a good one, wait...

#3  "Wait, wait wait...  I don't recall anything quite this explosive..."

#4  "There is now more water above me, than below me...  is that okay?"

#5  "Definitely elevating off the rock now and getting blasted into the shore pound!"

#6  "As soon as we can find her, we will render assistance... It's also hard to find someone when your laughing your ass off!  This was a real Clark Little moment.

This morning we were greeted with clear skies and strong offshore winds, upwards of 5kts.  The air temperature was 53.1º and the water is 57.2º.  Big tides, with high being at 6:51am +5.7' and low dredging at 2:05pm -0.9', due to the full-moon on the 26th.  There's a SSW swell out of 200º at 2.0', but it's being amped by the tidal fluctuations and it was 3' to 4' with some head-high outsides that always managed to catch you no matter how far out you sat...

Second dose of our Covid vaccination mañana.  If we can type, we'll send out a report...😬  Comments are wildly varying on the intensity of response, from "Nothing special" to "Going to bed."

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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