Not The Pipeline Friday Surf & Culture report

Lost Boys & Co... S o, it's not the Pipeline (#1) but it did jump up and munch this kid on the inside this morning. You could almost see the teeth. But it was a beautiful morning with 10 miles visibility and partly cloudy skies. Winds were offshore by 3 to 5kts and the sea surface was smooth. The air temp was 44.4º and the water is desperate to hit 60 at 59.5º. High tide at 5:25am +6.0' and low tide follows at 1:01pm -0.9'. We have a WSW swell out of 257º at 2.6' and it was a solid 3', but still a bit walled... S ome celebrity sightings on the beach this a.m. with B$, CMissle, Kira Bones, Burnsy and Chris, checking out the Professor's new freshy. Then who should show up but the bride-to-be, Jah Morgan on her Ultra-Red surf dagger. Despite the poor quality of the surf, Burnsy got some good drops on her new short board and the Professor proclaimed that the new bullet was a paddling machine... W e'll be out next week exploring the wilds o...