Hunga Tonga - Hunga Ha'apai Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

(Note:  Despite feeling within the bounds of normal (I have no idea what that means) I'm still testing positive (#1).  I'm not coaching, not having brekky at Brother's and not meeting numerous social obligations.  I am trying to rest, be vigilant and not go out of my fucking mind...  Thank you, the Professor)

Steve O'Brien sent this great shot of Burnout (#2) looking quite a bit like Zicatela, Puerto Escondido, Mexico.  Or actually quite a bit like Backdoor, Pipeline.  Just a short paddle and Yippee! 

Certainly smaller than that today, with partly cloudy skies and +20 miles visibility.  Winds were light and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 56.6º and the water is 58.8.  High tide was at 8:47am +6.0' and low tide will be at 4:05pm -0.8'.  We have a west swell out of 262º with no excuses, and it's registering 3.3' at the buoy and 2' to 3' on the beach.

The Bus is on the verge of hitting an even 70,000 miles (#3).  Of course we'd have to be able to drive it somewhere to make those little numbers spin.  We have no idea if it's 170,000 (probably not enough given the age of the vehicle), 270,000 (pretty likely) or 370,000 which is probably too much to imagine...

Meanwhile, if hurricanes, typhoons and Covid aren't enough there are volcanoes.  Like this one (#4) near Tonga that was so loud when it blew they could hear it in New Zealand!  Climate scientists say there's not enough ash being expelled into the atmosphere to affect the climate, but just enough to bury Tonga under a shit-load of the stuff.  Most communication with the island is slow in returning, but when it does we'll let you know what's going on.  For now it's enough to know that the King Topuo VI is safe and on high ground since the tsunami it generated inundated the coastal areas.  We didn't get much tsunamic activity, but Santa Cruz harbor had like a three or four foot tide come through and wash things out of the way.  The highest point in the Tongan islands is about 3,300 feet, so we're guessing it might be getting pretty crowded up there...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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