Farmer's Market Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Clear emerald water (#1) and cloudless skies (except for that lingering layer of gray/brown smog out there.)  Winds were calm and the sea surface smooth.  The air was a chilly 46.9º and the water is trying at 59.0º.  High tide clocks in at 9:55am +5.7' and low tide will be at 5:05pm -0.5'.  The 46221 Santa Monica Bay Buoy is telling us that we have a WSW combo swell out of 255º at 2.0' and it was 1' to 3'...

As if to prove the point we got a shot of Tamara on the north side (#2) making the best of this little right.  She's been doing more regular surfing and less stand-up recently.  You can see her SUP background when she jumps up and plants her feet.  She has that little SUP hop...

Even a block away you can tell that this is Kawika (#3).  Turning this little right into a pitching left he got covered up and then pulled out through the curtain.  He's got that windmill-arm style and he rarely misses a wave when he's got it in his sights.  One of our favorite surfers to watch, he also gets some of the best Go-Pro® footage of himself, as well as everyone else, in the water.  We all have a lot of fun out there, but he always looks like he's having the MOST fun!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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