I'll Take A Chance On The Right One Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Writing this on Sunday because Monday morning we'll be in the O.R. at Kaiser getting our cataract clouded lens swapped out for a new plastic model.  So if the report is a bit late or doesn't show, it could be that we couldn't find the keyboard with our unpatched eye...  Also all the weather reports are calling for rain, like a 100%.  We take this news with our usual amount of Southern California skepticism, but you might want to bring the firewood in and get ready to snuggle up with the sweety of your choice...

Monday:  Rain started around 7:30 and as you can see has been spitting, but not "raining."  2 miles visibility under cloudy threatening skies and the wind is blowing enthusiastically out of the SE by 12 to 15kts.  The air temperature is 56.4º and the water has dipped again to 57.7º.  High tide was at 7:12am +5.5' and low tide will be at 2:08pm -0.9'.  So the Santa Monica Bay Buoy is showing a SE swell out of 146º, which suggests it's coming out of Anaheim, maybe even Disneyland.  They also say it's 4.3', but if you look you can immediately see that it's 1' (almost) and breaking on the sand.  So, with all that information, it looks like a good day to head inside with a cup of something hot and read a good book or if you're feeling energetic take a walk in the mist/drizzle/rain on the low tide sand...

Shift change with John & Jay the bodyboarders leaving and the Professor and Doc? strolling down to the water (#2).  The spongers have been hitting it early all weekend and picking off some of those high tide rollers.  You watch them for about two minutes and you can't wait to get out there...

The Professor and Doc? give Luey Robles thumbs up (#3) and try to get him to come out and join the crew.  He was warm and toasty up there on the pier and stayed long enough to get the Professor finishing this left (#4).  Sunday morning seemed to have some of the best waves we've had in a couple of weeks. Mostly lefts, but Doc? got a right that was outstanding for it's length and shape.  Let's see what happens mañana and whether it rains or just spits.  We're also hoping this might be a weather changing storm and brings some warmer water and sunny skies...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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