Get On With Their Own Bad Selves Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Here we go again, it's alright.  On the tarmac at LAX (#1) waiting for our gate to open up.  The areas between the runways are covered with California poppies!  It's an amazing sight.  Coming in it looks like they've painted the inter-runway spaces gold.  And yes, we're taking off on Saturday for the wild west.  Texas that is.  So we have to go east to get to the wild west - sorta.  The stated objectives include, hanging out with the Maharishi Larkin, surfing on South Padre Island and viewing the total eclipse of the sunny in the Tejas Hill Country.  We are prepared with our modified welders goggles, shorty wetsuit and meditation robes to center ourselves.

You know it was one of those mornings that if there hadn't been a contest almost no one would have gone out.  It was a chilly 54.0º and the water was 54.9º.  Winds were onshore from the start of the morning, starting at 4 to 7kts and forecast to ramp up during the day.  Low tide was at 5:48am +0.3' and high tide follows at 11:52am +3.4'.  It's a WSW swell out of 258º and it's 3' to 4' but a tad sloppy and disorganized.

Redondo hosted El Segundo this morning and beat them handily.  El Segundo had a couple of standouts including Maureen Glasstetter (on a Barahona Bullet) and Finn Ketola, but they weren't enough to catch the Seahawks who won 100 to 47.  Top Seahawk finishers were:  Tyler Anderson, Dylan Morrisroe, Keani Honda-Snow, Sheamus Swift, Bridget Swift and Billy Galin.  Talk about making crappy surf look like it had some potential!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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