Marching In Like A Sponge Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

March apparently has switched from coming in like a lion to coming in like a sponge.  A bit damp out there this morning and the forecasters are telling us that there's more on the way.  Not quite Mammoth-like blizzard conditions (where someone said they had 145mph gusts) but still weather in the most Southern California sense of not the usual...

There's 10 miles visibility under partly cloudy skies.  It's just that the clouds that are over us have decided to drop a little moisture.  Winds are out of the SE by 4kts and the sea surface is textured.  The air is 55.6º and the water is 59.7º.  Low tide was at 6:55am +1.2' and high tide will follow at 12:40pm +2.6'.  It's a SSW swell out of 207º at 2.0' and it's 1' and poor on  the beaches.

Here (#1) we have Doc getting dropped in by some pretender deep on the peak at Scorpion Hollow.  You can be sure that this cannibal got an earful from the Doctor on his lack of surfing etiquette.  Speaking of scorpions, there were only two stings of which we were aware.  Blanche (Blah-n-ch, say it like you are French) the French filmmaker and Millie the American surf phenom.  No serious repercussions, although Doc spent quite a bit of time on the Frenchies leg. 

AND speaking of legs, Doc got operated on yesterday for a skin cancer on his leg.  They removed it in short order, but now he's concerned he's got Chikungunya, Malaria or Dengue, because he's got sore joints and night sweats.  LoLa suggested he had AIDES, but that met with less than an enthusiastic response.  Regardless, we're wishing him a speedy recovery and have sent him some solar-res to fill the hole.

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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