Some Days Are Wednesdays Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Out here in the great wilderness we spent most of a week with Brother Miloe and Billie Bob Mason skidding down the various slopes of Brundage Mountain near McCall, Idaho.  Conditions varied, but for the most part it was spring skiing and the last couple of days were downright hot!  Temps were in the 50's and when you're skiing that tends to warm things up a bit.  We were down to bare knuckles and T-shirts under our nylon shells.  No crowds! (#1) A good time was had by all until Julia got stuck in some gooey snow and pulled a hip bone.  Nothing serious, but they wrapped her burrito style and the Ski Patrol slid her down the mountain where she began to come around fairly quickly...  This is what happens when you go slow!

We have no idea what's going on with the buoys!  The 46221 Buoy had the water temp this morning at 56.8° which is the coldest we've recorded this year!  Brrr!  High tide was at 7:23am +4.7' and low tide is at 2:24pm -0.4'.  It's a west swell out of 270° at 3.0', but the cams suggested it wasn't quite that good...  Looks like a little better north of the pier...

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Donald Lagatree, the younger brother of our dear friend Kirsten.  Over the years he had endured various health challenges, but always seemed to prevail.  He suffered a stroke and then soon after another serious stroke.  Fortunately he had his older brother and nephew by his side when he passed, no doubt drawing comfort from their presence.  Adios, kind Donald! 

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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