
Showing posts from 2025

Why Salt Lake City Thursday Surf Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Sancho failed to mention that he was an elephant wrangler in the latter part of the 20th century.  He behaved incredibly well until this youngster nudged him (#1)  and he went back into cowboy mode.  He threw him down tied his legs together and beat the buzzer by 7 seconds.  The mahouts were astounded and he got a free lunch and beers out of the deal. No trip to the elephant sanctuary is complete without jumping in with the pachyderms and giving them a bath.  What they don't tell you is that the beasts have their own ideas about who gets soaked!  (#2)  A a shot of LoLa before she got drenched. Wind and rain today.  Hot coffee, put your feet up and dream about Hawaii.  Those of you in Mexico, enjoy the day!  "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it" The Professor!!

A Chiang Mai Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o the city of Chiang Mai annually hosts a flower festival replete with floral parade.  Their version of the Rose Parade, but about 5 times longer and at least as extravagant.   Here (#1) we have an example of one of the floats that are sponsored by schools, guilds, associations and businesses that want some publicity.  About every 10 minutes there's a band and drill team and they really get into it.  One of the schools came in Mexican outfits and the drill team had their faces painted like "Dia de los Muertos" skulls.  We were blown away!  They looked like they were a school from East L.A.  So after about an hour of standing on the curb we wandered down the block and there was a foot massage parlor with seats on the sidewalk facing the parade.  We each ordered a massage and spent the next hour watching the parade and getting our feets unbent.  What a country. T his morning skies were cloudy and the threat of rain hung ...

Temple Tuesday In Thailand Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T oday being Shrove Tuesday we thought we'd make our way to the temple for a little pre-Mardi Gras meditation. So in Thailand when you're going to build an hundred foot long statue of the Buddha and don't have the materials to stand him upright, you have him laying on his side (#1) and build it out that way.  Yes, covering him in gold is required.  We saw a lot of temples and they all had a lot of gold.  This is to disabuse you of the notion that the Catholic Church had the corner on all of the gilt, not to mention guilt... C old again today, 50 at checkout and the water got knocked down further to 54.5.  Hazy sun and 15miles visibility.  Winds were offshore by 3kts and the sea surface was smooth but rolling.  Low tide was at 6:36am +0.2' and high tide will be at 12:41pm +3.2'.  The low tide was making it fast and hollow but a couple of guys were making some waves and typically getting eaten in the process.  It was a west swe...

Monitor Lizard Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O kay, If Anupa looks at this report, we suggest she just skips over the pic.  On our way to visit the mysterious James Thompson House in Bangkok (Thompson was a silk merchant who just happened to work for the CIA, mysteriously disappearing one afternoon on a trip to Cambodia.)  We stopped by this park because LoLa had read that one might spot monitor lizards there.  You can imagine our surprise when we hopped out of a cab and ran right into this clutch of lizards feasting on some shrimp that had been left on the bank of the lake.  There were probably twenty and we saw more in the water (they are semi-aquatic.)  They're not poisonous, but they look like they should be and they have snaky tongues that are forked and kinda creepy...  Obviously, LoLa was ecstatic... B lew like a gale last night and suddenly quit about 8am, only to start again in earnest about 9 and ramp up to a white cap style blow.  Partly cloudy and 20 miles visibi...

In A Hurry Sunday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... So, if you're in a hurry to get from point A to point B in Bangkok, you might want to grab one of these "Long Tailed Boats."   The propeller shaft is about twenty feet long and it's typically got a double bladed prop that cuts through most of the debris found on the river.  They steer with the shaft and there's no rudder as such.  But the real secret is the power plant that looks like 455 Chrysler block, blown with straight pipes.  The river sounds like Lion's Drag Strip.  It's impossible to wear a hat and the chances of getting mosquitos, water hyacinth pieces and other debris in your face is very real.  Don't smile unless you plan to floss...    "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it" The Professor!!

We're B A C K!

Lost Boys & Co... Got back last night and we'll be sharing some pics from the excursion to S.E. Asia!  Let's try something for starters... Lots of temples... "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it" The Professor!!

Firmware Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I f toenails weren't enough, the ever popular Giselle, brought out her custom Takayama to the party and proudly displayed her blue and white next to the bus... A round 7 miles visibility under hazy and partly cloudy skies.  Winds were offshore 2 to 6kts and the sea surface was smooth to glassy.  The air remains a chilly 43.0º and the water isn't helping at 57.7º.  High tide is at 9:51am +6.0' and low tide follows at 4:44pm -0.9'.  It's a west swell out of 266º at 1.6' and that's just about what it was on the sand... S o, heading out for Southeast Asia and some adventuring.  If the food is as good as everyone keeps telling us we should come back in need of some dietary gymnastics.  See you in March and let's hope February starts warming up a bit... ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it" The Professor!!

Under One Tent Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W e didn't realize how popular the '56 Chevy Blue would be until it started cropping up on toenails...  Guess the foot (the little toe is the giveaway). O vercast skies with 5 miles visibility.  Winds are light offshore 1 to 4kts and the ocean has a light tack.  The air temp is 50.0º and the water is 57.9º.  High tide is at 9:09am +6.4' and low tide will follow at 4:12pm -1.2'.  It's a west swell out of 270º at 2.3' and it's 2' to 3' breaking pretty close to shore and closer as the tide rises... O nce again we feel the need to recon some faraway places to determine surf and recreational opportunities.  So this time it will be Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.  Tops on the list are Koh Samui in Thailand and My Khe (China Beach), but we're ready to check out some other possibilities!  Leaving tomorrow evening and be back on the 28th of February (hoping to avoid some chilly February weather here!)  Probably few if any reports...

High Tide & Wet Sand Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... A cold sun (#1) came over the horizon this morning and tried it's best to warm us up.  But it's a tough job!  The high will be a steamy 59º today. 10 miles visibility.  Some lingering clouds along the perimeter.  Winds were light offshore 1 to 3kts.  The sea surface was smooth.  The air was a chilly 43.3º and the water is 57.9º.  High tide is at 8:30am +6.5' and low tide will be at 3:40pm -1.4' for all you clam diggers and we know you're out there!  We have a west swell out of 271º at 3.0' and it was 2' to 3' and trying to break through the tide.  The water quality signs are still in place, but Marion Clark reported that they will be down at 8am mañana. T aco Tuesday at Hudson House.  Great deal on street tacos and the drinks and tater tots are perfect.  Watch for it on your radar!  There's usually at least one Tuesday a week... ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it" The Professor!!

What's A Typewriter Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... A new addition to the breakfast crew is Burnsy's grandfather Bill Klein.  Bill is joining us because quite simply, his neighborhood burned down.  He lived in the Palisades and even though his home was spared, it was rendered unlivable.  He's currently living on 15th St., but he's soon to move to Playa Vista and some deluxe digs there.  At 94 he's still driving and is as sharp as the proverbial tack.  He's got some great stories, so join up for some brekky and interesting and humorous tales... P osted warning signs still on the beach from the recent rains.  10 miles visibility under partly cloudy skies.  Winds were significantly offshore at 3 to 7kts with gusts to 10kts.  The sea had some off-side tack.  The air was 44.0º and the water was 57.9º for a rather bracing aquatic environment.  High tide was at 7:50am +6.4' and low tide is LOW at 3:08pm -1.3'.  We have a 2.3' swell out of the WSW 257º and it's 2' righ...

Rain, Rain Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... So yesterday, some atmospheric cell made it's way over Brothers and dropped almost an inch of rain in about an hour (#1).  Quite a few folks were stranded inside until the deluge subsided and we heard these guys having an argument.  It sounded something like this: 1. You're a knucklehead! 2. Well, you're shithead! 1. Oh yeah, you're a melon head. 2. You're an eraser head! 1. What?  Can we only insult each other using "head" references? 2. Well, I'm an egg head so I won't have any problem with a cement head like you! 1. Fish head! 2. Fog head! 1. Bone head! 2. Dick head! 1. Butt head! 2. Toe head! 1. That's not even an insult, lunk head! 2. It is if your head looks like a toe, dunder head! 1. Hot head! 2. Look at your ears, jug head!   Then Sara called out "Hedley, your order is ready." The rain stopped this morning and we had some azure skies with some of those puffy clouds bumping along.  Winds were offshore by ...

No Flan Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W hen we found out Mike Hynson passed away, we decided we had to pose in one of his more iconic roles.  So Donny, Doc and the Professor did Mike, Robert and Bruce.  The sun, sea and sky cooperated and we said our farewells to a real surfing icon.  Rest in peace "Helmet Head." H ere in the South Bay everyone was wondering if it was going to rain this weekend and wash what's left of Malibu and the Palisades into the sea.  Doesn't look like a lot of rain and maybe barely enough to cool off some of the hot spots and or cause mudslides. M orning started off with some pyrotechnics from Vandenburg.  A few high clouds and 10 miles visibility.  Winds were variable offshore from 1 to 5kts.  The sea surface was smooth to glassy.  The air temp was 48.0º and the water is 58.3º, although it felt quite a bit colder than that during our morning paddle.  Basically one tide, low at 12:57pm +0.1'.  We have a WSW swell out of 256º at 2...

On A Wing & A Bone Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... H ere, (#1) we have our own naturalist, biologist and published author Anupa Asokan with what appears to be the first ingredient of a huge pot of turtle soup.  NO!  THAT'S NOT TRUE!!  What she's holding is a bucket of newly hatched turtles on their way to be released as the moon comes up over the water.  The local community is doing their best to restore the turtle population and sustain some of the endangered species. 5 miles visibility today with a light overcast and some smoke from the Hughes Fire north of Castiac.  It's really affecting the sunset tonight.  Winds were offshore most of the day, 1 to 3kts and the sea surface has been smooth.  The air was 46.0º and the water is 58.3º.  Basically one low tide today at 11:21am +1.2'.  There's a west swell out of 260º at 2.6' and it was a solid 2' and breaking in block long cylinders. I f you read our bone story yesterday you might recall that we really didn't delve into ...

Turkey Bone? Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o, we're sitting there this morning and out of the sky falls this bone (#1) and bounces off of Burnsy's shoulder.  Assessing the impact she felt it had dropped from some considerable altitude.  There were several suspects.  One was a crow that appeared to be hanging around, waiting and watching for some reaction.  Then there was the possibility that it was dropped by a British Airways plane ridding itself of the leavings of their annual Henry the VIII flight to London.  Finally, we thought that it might have been heaved by a DoorDash™ driver who was trying to toss the evidence of an early lunch.  The Professor thought it was an omen, but was quickly shouted down for his superstitious inclinations.  Hey!  It was a BONE!  It fell from the SKY... M ostly clear frigid skies this morning with at least 10 miles visibility.  Winds were light out of the north at 1 to 3kts and the sea surface was smooth. The air was 40.0º ...

Munchin' Muchachos Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T here are a couple of new restaurants in the near where we stayed.  This one (#1) was owned by a Frenchman from Paris, but his specialty was traditional Oaxacan food with a flair.  It was a fave and we ended up eating there a couple of times.  The grilled beets were delicious and the huatchinango for two was so tender that Christiano ate it all by himself!  The other one was owned by another Frenchman, but served French food.  Pretty damned Michelin!  It was in the jungle so you felt like you were even farther away from France.  How these Frenchies find this place is amazing! M eanwhile, this morning there were mostly clear skies with 10 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore by 1 to 3kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 51.0º and the water is 58.5º.  High tide was at 8:06am +2.1' and low tide will be at 1:05pm +3.0'.  It's a west swell out of 267º at 3.0' and it was 1' to 2' on the bea...

Sometimes On Sabado Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... The competition season is going full speed and we thought we'd share the results of the Redondo vs PV surf contest featuring our own Milly Horstman and her outstanding performance.  Special thanks to Brendan "the Cat" Simmons who took these photos!  These were some of the standout performances! Heat 1-SB: 1st: Tyler Anderson 2nd: Andrew Piper Heat 2- SB: 1st: Dylan Morrisroe 3rd: Rylan Gracie Heat 3-SB: 1st: Abby Bosse 3rd: Keani Honda-Snow Heat 4-LB: 2nd: Sheamus Swift Heat 5-LB: 1st: Milly Horstman 2nd: Soryn Preston Heat 6-SB:  1st: Kai Thomas 2nd: Jackson Owens 3rd: Charlie Lentz Heat 7- SB: 1st: Jake Kislinger #1.  When Milly took off on this outside everyone gasped because it pretty much looked like it was either going to close out or be too fast to make.  She made a quick snap on the top and then hit the gas pedal....

It's Another Frijolé Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W hen you"re on the road essential services are sometimes at a premium.  Take the case of Cat Simmons who had scheduled a skin cancer surgery only to have a surf trip come up and whisk him away.  But no worries!  Here at our "Mobile Auxiliary Surf Hospital" (M.A.S.H.) our anesthesiologist Dr. Souther and head surgeon Prof. Dr. Paine went right to work! (#1)  An outpatient procedure, he was back in the water for the afternoon session.  A biopsy revealed that instead of being cancerous the lesion was a bit of frijolé from breakfast.  Better safe than sorry, we say. 10 miles visibility under mostly clear skies this morning.  Winds were off by 3 to 5kts and the sea surface was brushed smooth.  The air was 45.0º and felt like 32, while the sea temp was 57.7º and felt just like that.  High tide was at 10:51am +4.9' and low tide follows at 5:47pm +-0.0'.  It's a west swell out of 262º at 2.6' and it was an amazing 3' to 5...

Tlayuda Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... A nd then it was over...  Like most surf trips this one was over way too soon.  Some good waves, great company and way too much good food, with a couple of new restaurants to make things even more exciting!  So, here's a shot of the sun (#1) coming up over the bay by Jodi Flicker to start things off.  We get a lot of sun set action, so it was fun to watch the big orange ball come up in the east over the water for a change... A beautiful morning in the South Bay with 10+ miles visibility and light clouds.  Winds were off shore by 1 to 3kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air was chilly at 46.6º and the water was frigid at 57.9º (after 82º Mexican water.)  High tide was at 10:06am +5.7' and low tide follows at 5:10pm -0.5'.  It was a 2.3' swell out of the west 266º and it was a bit thumpy at 3' to 4'. O ur hearts go out to all of the folks affected by the fires.  Watching from hundreds of miles away, it was surreal a...

Surfing With The Barbarians Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W e were watching Brendan Simmons (#1) in the water the other day and were thinking he reminded us of someone, then it donned on us that it was Donald Takayama.  That same quickness and cat-like approach, then a big move at the end of the wave to put a cap on the entire proceedings.  He also rides a number of different shapes like Takayama did, but he might be a better shortboarder than D.T. T he ghastly crumb foggies were obscuring the surfline this morning.  Winds were variable to 3kts. and the sea surface was smooth.  The air was a soggy 51.3º and the water is 57.7º.  High tide is at 10:41am +5.7' and low tide follows at 5:57pm -0.5'.  It's a typical WSW swell out of 257º at 3.3' and it was (according to people who claimed to see it) 3' to 4'... O k, so we're heading down to Mexico with the crew to do some jungle recon.  We're trying to decide if we should bring our iPad down to stay in contact or wait to inundate you when we g...

Yesterday's Photo Today

Lost Boys & Co... You don't press one little key... "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it" The Professor!!

What A Fool Believes Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... H ow often does that happen? You're rolling along groovin' to some Yacht Music (we just found out that's a thing) and suddenly you spill the dish washing soap all over your new seat covers, your backup camera malfunctions and you're out of duct tape.  Well surfers, it's a new year and you have time to rectify all of these small things before heading into deep water... T oday's photo (#1) features Nupes as she glides toward the pier saluting Burnsy as she smokes on to the pier.  It was a sunny chamber of commerce morning in the South Bay until the fog came rolling in San Francisco style around 10:30.  Winds were light offshore and the sea surface was smooth.  The air was a chilly 45.6º and the water is 57.2º.  Hi gh tide will be at 9:57am +6.1' and low tide follows at 5:19pm -0.9'.  It's a WSW swell out of 252º at 3.0' and it was 3' to 4' making it a great week of surf and celebration... S o last night we were running...

Well It's Happy New Year's Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... " E verything should be soaked in brandy," were the exact words from LoLa's recipe for fruitcake.  One time the power went out and when we went to light candles we got too close to the fruitcake.  It burst into flame and stayed lit until the lights came back on hours later. W e thought we'd include this (#1) iconic image of Gabriel Medina at Teahupo'o to kick off (or out) the year.  A brilliant photo by Jérome Brouilett! F oggy with less than ¼mile visibility.Winds were light offshore and the sea surface was occluded by the aforementioned fog.  The air temperature was 55.5º and the water s 57.2º.  High tide was at 9:15am +6.4' and low tide will beat 4:42pm -1.1'.  A WSW swell out of 255º at 3.9', so it was at least 3' and probably bigger. ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it" The Professor!!