Lost Boys & Co...
Filler-Up Friday Surf & Culture Report
Friday, November 07, 2008

Apparently young Blake Cole was bitten by a seal and Paver was wondering if this is much of an anomaly. In our experience, since he is the only person we know to have ever been nipped by a piniped, we'll say "Yeah, it's an anomaly." Now, even though we have no empirical evidence, we have heard several generalities about this kind of thing. Looking through the web validated our notions:

Human health risks:
  • Seal pups may inflict a painful bite. Seal bites have been associated with a severe bacterial infection known as "seal finger". Other potential zoonoses include salmonella and seal pox. (J15.20.w1)
  • Medical attention should always be sought following a seal bite and prophylactic antibiotics may be recommended.(V.w26)
Of course "Seal Finger" and "Seal Pox" don't sound like the kind of thing you want to contract before homecoming, although it could work into a good line: "No sweetie I wasn't trying to touch you inappropriately. It's just that I have "Seal Finger." "No sir, I couldn't finish my assignment. I have a bad case of "Seal Pox."

Beautiful skies this morning with 20 miles visibility. Winds were calm and the sea surface is glassy. The air temp was 64.9f and the water is 64.6f. High tide is at 5:36am +4.2' and low tide will follow at 11:19am +2.4'. The buoy is reading 2.0' and the surf is 1' to 2' with some very little peelers.

Now all things considered, young Baleko could have had his head under water and ended up like this woman:

A seal bit off a South African woman’s nose Monday as she was attempting to help the animal back into the sea. The woman’s nose was found but surgeons were unable to reattach it.

That would have made an all time paper weight!

"Say, what is that on your desk Nosemary? I mean Rosemary."
"Oh, dat's jutht my nothes."
"How did it happen?"
"I was trying to help a theal back into tha water and he bit me!"
"Was it a big one?"
"NO, my nose was jutht normal thize.
"No, I meant the seal."
"Oh, he wath a pup, but he had tharp teeth."
"Couldn't they re-attach it?"
"No, it wath pretty chewed up."
"So you had it put in resin for a paper weight?"
"Yeth, I miss it. You should try wearing your sunglasses without a nose!"
"Ooh, don't cry. Your, errr face is running..."

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
The Professor!!

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