Mashed Potato Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

We're closing in on Thanksgiving this week and we thought we'd start with the mashed potatoes.   This'll be a short week for the Surf & Culture Report, as we head up to Bass Lake for the annual "Turkey Dismemberment & Meeting of the Tribes."  We'll have reports on Monday & Tuesday and then (unless someone brings their laptop) we'll be out until December 1st.

We have 5 miles visibility this morning with some considerable haze under some high clouds.  The weather nazis are calling for rain tonight, but it might cloud up before the deluge.  Winds are offshore by 5.8kts and the sea surface is glassy.  The air temperature is 60.1f and the water is 62.1f.  High tide is at 6:50am +5.8' and low tide will be at 1:51pm -0.1'.  The buoy is reading 2.0' and the swell looks better than that, but the tide is so high that it's breaking right on the shore.

Art Burn Dept.
Above we have a shot from the latest suite of drawings and wearable art from the Professor.  You might have heard that he and Jordan Carlisle-Rovens have been working on some pieces to exhibit in the Spring.  So far some of the stuff has been pretty "interesting."  We'll let you know when they're going to show some of their latest.  It's not supposed to be prohibitively expensive, but somebody has to pay for all those models...

Turducken?   No...
So we're in Whole Foods the other day strolling by the meat dept. and this sign catches our eye.  It says:  "Turducken"  It looked to us that they had used or abbreviated at least two bad words and were working on a third.  Upon inquiring we discovered that this stuff is a mixture of turkey, duck and chicken.  We suggested to the butcher that he might try another title for this fowl mixture.  We even suggested a few like:  Durkeyken, Chuckey or Tucken.  He wasn't impressed.  He asked if we wanted to buy some.  We said, "No, we don't eat anything that starts with turd.  But thanks anyway..."

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it...
 The Professor!!

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