Mandolin Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...
Monday, November 10, 2008

Attached you'll find a shot from Sting Ginther showing the crew gathered around the Professor's new stick. Stick around and we'll identify all of the unusual suspects...

Beautiful morning with nary a cloud in the sky and 25 miles visibility. As opposed to yesterday's onshore blow we have a consistent off-shore flow at 5.9kts and the sea surface has a bit of roll left over, but is actually pretty smooth. The air temperature is 59.0f and the water is down to 62.4f, which isn't bad considering that sometimes after a blow like that we lose 5 degrees. High tide is at 6:41am +5.7' and it takes a big drop to low at 1:23pm +0.2. In fact this is the last plus low tide for the week. It's all minuses in the afternoons the rest of the week. The buoy is reading 6.6' and the surf is a steady 5' to 7' and actually looking pretty good. The Professor sneaked out at Sapphire and got 7 waves before anyone else showed up. Then he proceeded to bag another 5 or 6 just to keep everyone honest. The shortboarders were ruling everything south of the jetty, but those loping peaks at Sapphire were just made for the long boarders!

Okay, so have you figured out who everyone is in the photo? We'll go from left to right: Kevin "Costner" McGoldrick, Ronan the Barbarian (our latest Irish transplant,) Mark "John-Boy" Walton (visiting from the Emerald Isle,) Easky, Kevin "Buffalo" Holmes, the Professor, Steve Nelson, Burdie, Murph and the hands holding the surfboard belong to the Coach, who was uncharacteristically shy that morning. Can you imagine the stories that group talks? Maybe a bit of hyperbole now and again, but some great story.

We're welcoming a couple of folks to the report this morning. Coming back is John-Boy Walton, who somehow got dropped from the list, most likely during our server migration. Then brand-new is Zan Huling, major domo of the Joe's crowd. We're thinking he got tired of listening to all of our exploits over breakfast and wanted to get the straight stuff in the report. You can always find Zan at the top of table #1 and if you like ultimate fighting, USC and oatmeal, Zan's your man. Speaking of the Joe's crowd, we went to a 50th birthday party for one of the Joe's regulars, Dr. Dirk Yelnik on Saturday night. It was a great party and in the middle of the whole affair, while saying thank you to the assembled revelers, he called up his girlfriend Patty to join him. Then to the amazement of everyone, he gave her a ring with a rather imposing rock and asked her to marry him, all on bended knee! Every woman in the place broke into tears and it sorta left all of the guys wondering what they might have to do to appear half as romantic. Dancing and general partying ensued and like Attila the Hun said, "A good time was had by all."

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..." The Professor!!

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