Marvelous Monday Surf & Culture Report
Turkey Facts
* Ben Franklin, in a letter to his daughter, proposed the turkey as the official United States bird.
* In 2007, the average American ate 17.5 pounds of turkey.
97% or Americans surveyed by the National Turkey Federation eat turkey at Thanksgiving.
* Turkey consumption has increased 116% since 1970.
* Since 1970, turkey production in the United States has increased nearly 300 percent.
* In 2007, 271,685,000 turkeys were produced in the United States.
* In 1970, 50 per cent of all turkey consumed was during the holidays, now just 29 per cent of all turkey consumed is during the holidays as more turkey is eaten year-round.
* In 2006, Turkey was the # 4 protein choice for American consumers behind chicken, beef and pork
* The average weight of a turkey purchased at Thanksgiving is 15 pounds.
* The heaviest turkey ever raised was 86 pounds, about the size of a large dog.
* A 15 pound turkey usually has about 70 percent white meat and 30 percent dark meat.
* The wild turkey is native to Northern Mexico and the Eastern United States.
* The male turkey is called a tom.
* The female turkey is called a hen.
* The turkey was domesticated in Mexico and brought to Europe in the 16th century.
* Wild turkeys can fly for short distances up to 55 miles per hour.
* Wild turkeys can run 20 miles per hour.
* Tom turkeys have beards. This is black, hairlike feathers on their breast. Hens sometimes have beards, too.
* Turkeys' heads change colors when they become excited.
Canadians consumed 138.6 million kg (Mkg) of turkey in the year 2005.
* Six hundred seventy-five million pounds of turkey are eaten each Thanksgiving in the United States.
* Turkeys can see movement almost a hundred yards away.
* Turkeys lived almost ten million years ago.
* Turkey feathers were used by Native Americans to stabilize arrows..
* Baby turkeys are called poults and are tan and brown.
* Turkey eggs are tan with brown specks and are larger than chicken eggs.
* It takes 75-80 pounds of feed to raise a 30 pound tom turkey.
* In 1920, U.S. turkey growers produced one turkey for every 29 persons in the
* U.S. Today growers produce nearly one turkey for every person in the country..
* The turkeys produced in 2007 together weighed 7.9 billion pounds and were valued at $3.7 billion.
(Ed. Note: We didn't know Ben Franklin had a daughter... Maybe that explains the hairstyle?)
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