Thane of Cawdor Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Another beautiful day in paradise!  Of course we need someone to take another view - how about Boomfwappa on "Brother's?"

Boomfwappa says: "Sounds like another cheap Mexican place to me"  that's what Boomfwappa says....................... (Ed. Note: Yeah, but it's GOOD!)

We've got unlimited visibility this morning (right around 25miles across the bay,) under clear blue skies.  Winds are offshore by 3.9kts and the sea surface is uber-glassy.  The air temp is 60.8f, due to go up to a balmy 72f and the water has spiked to a pleasant 61.5f.  High tide is at 7:21am +6.8' and low tide will follow at 2:44pm -1.4'.  Even though the buoy says it's registering a 2.0' swell, the waves are not that deluxe.  We're calling it flat.  So there...

Yesterday we had lunch with our mentor, guru and spiritual guide Ken Schwartz.  About 25 years ago Ken stopped calling himself "Ken" and changed his name to "Dirty Ol' Ken" or D.O.K."  We were good with that, but as soon as we got used to it he switched it again.  This time it was more existential.  He now calls himself "Zorro."  Honestly, at 6'3" 300lbs, he looks more like Sargent Garcia than Zorro, but if he wants to be Zorro so be it.  So we met Zorro at "The Mexican Affair" on PCH and 7th in the LBZ (one of the original no windows, no air conditioning, orange grease Mexican establishments) and proceeded to order the #11.  Yes, we always order the #11 when we go to Mexican restaurants.  2 reasons:  It's always the same no matter what it is (a tortilla with beans and rice with some type of meat inside.)  It didn't make the top ten so there might be one left.  We didn't have to worry about there being any left - there were only 5 people in the place (including the server, chef and one other patron.)  Ken remains one of our dearest, oldest friends, so we thought we'd include a pic.  We've always thought he was a ringer for Allen Ginsburg.  We've never seen his chin, although he assures us he has one.  He did show us a photo of him in the army and we scarcely recognized the boy.  He's almost exactly 20 years older than we are, so we get a hint of how we might greet the future.  So far so good!

Remember tomorrow night at St. Lawrence for GiGi & Danger Boy's holiday chorale acrobatics.  7:30pm and be there early if you want to get a good seat.

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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