Transcendental Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Took a walk on the Hermosa Beach Pier last night and saw the above sign.  Apparently, the white croaker, known also as kingfish and tomcod is full of PCBs, DDT and other dangerous chemicals.  Now the last time we saw a white croaker flailing around on a line he was looking pretty damned energetic despite the hook in the lip situation.  We were thinking if they're doing so well with all of those chemicals floating around inside of them, maybe they've built up some immunities that we could use!  The good news is that (before they lapsed into Spanish) they assured us that no matter how much you eat, you won't go into a coma.  That's important if you want to stay conscious through the entire meal.  Of course we're still a bit sketchy about calling them "croaker."  That's kind of a red flag, yeah...

For a brief time this morning the wind was pretty much calm and then it decided it would cut loose.  So right now we have 25 miles visibility and clear skies with some fleecy clouds scudding about the corners.  Winds are out of the WNW at about 15.5kts, with gusts up to 20kts.  Seas are choppy.  The air temperature at 6am was 42.4℉, pretty damned nippy and the water is 57.4℉.  High tide is at 6:19am +5.5' and low tide will be at 1:46pm -0.2'.  The buoy is reporting a strong 6.2' swell and the waves are hitting almost square at 275 degrees.  Wave faces are 6' to 7' and things look fairly hectic out there with the wind.  A couple of guys out, but we're thinking tomorrow might be a better playing field.

Speaking of tomorrow, we'll be heading out of town Thursday, so tomorrow will be the last official report for this year!  Our next report should be on Thursday the 1st or Friday the 2nd of January.  Okay wait... it might even be Monday the 5th depending on what happens on the 31st.  But don't worry, we'll be back and ready to help you get through the surfing part of the year...  The rest of it, we're depending on you to help US!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor

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