Funnel Cloud Friday Surf & Culture Report (Putting the "FUN" in Funnel Cloud)

Lost Boys & Co...

So Danger Boy and the Professor head out this morning and the Professor cons Danger Boy into checking out Sapphire.  Danger Boy really  wants to look at the Cove, but he's beyond a good sport and goes along with the Professor.  They look at Sapphire.  It's not huge, but there are some good waves and the wind isn't hitting it as hard as Topaz.  As they're watching this guy catches one in the middle and proceeds to finesse it all the way to the rocks.  Who is that guy?  Well, it turns out to be Don Swift and he and Rooster had been watching the Professor snag all these good waves the day before and they decided that today they'd get a little Sapphire going.  As it turned out, everyone got some pretty nice waves!  On their way out the caught Bob Stassi checking it.  There were still some good ones at Topaz.  We hope he snagged some good high tide rollers!

This morning visibility was about 10 miles with partly cloudy skies.  In fact until the front moved through it was actually fairly warm and sunny.  The wind has been shifting all day.  It started out from the NW then came out of the N at 360º, then did a 180 to 180 and blew straight out of the south.  The sea surface was a bit roughed up, but not quite choppy.  The air temp was 52.9º and the water is holding steady at 56.3º  Low tide stated the morning out at 5:40am +0.8' and high tide will follow at 11:31am +4.1'.  The buoy is reading a west swell out of 262º at 4.6' and we'll go along with that and call it 4' to 5'.

Mr. Fatty finished Tyler's board last night and thought you might like to see a couple of shots of the results.  The images are the lifeguard tower at Knob Hill, El Burrito Jr. and Dono's house.  The goof in the house pic is Tyler's brother Andrew's shadow.  It looks like a velociraptor.  That's because Andrew still has episodes when he thinks he's a dinosaur.  That okay, we still have episodes when we think we're surfers. 

A couple of items from Big Wave Dave:

Are those your roller blades?  You know the hardest part about roller blading don't you?
We would guess the hardest part would be the ground.  At least that's our  experience.  Ed.
It's nice to be able to surf when you should rather than when you can...
Yes!  Although we can't believe the number of people who put things on hold to get in the water..  Like this morning, along with the Professor and Danger Boy, there was Don Swift, Rooster, John ?, the pointy nosed short boarder, the chubby chick on the 921 and a sponger.  It seemed like we were always  at work.  How do these guys do it?

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it...."
 The Professor!!


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