Thymus Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

A few images from the NY trip.  We went to an art exhibit featuring Helen Atkinson's work, which this time included skulls molded out of various materials (including lotus leaves, chili peppers, fennel, seeds and artichoke greens.)  She also had a fountain that looked like an iron on an ironing board with a ton of white shirts waiting patiently to be ironed.  Didn't see any takers on that one...  The bed wasn't in our room - that was also part of the installation that included molded lotus leaf skulls, silkworm cocoons and a chenille bedspread.  We liked that one better, but it was a tad out of our price range...

Had to hit it early this am to keep the tide from getting in the way.  Sunny and beautiful with 25 miles visibility.  Not any clouds to speak of, with just a bit of haze.  Winds were offshore early at 2.7kts and the sea surface had a bit of residual tack from last night's winds.  The air temp was 52.4º and the water is 56.5º.  High tide is at 9:34am +5.0' and low tide will follow at 3:52pm +0.1'.  The buoy is reading a swell out of 322º and 3.6' high.  We're calling the surf a waist high 3' to about shoulder high 4'.  That doesn't speak well of our anatomy, but our anatomy doesn't do a very good job of defending itself...

The other photo was taken at an atrium that is a regular monthly gathering spot for the members of the "Japanese Ball-Jointed Dolls" club.  The dolls are fascinating and can be sculpted, molded, dyed, and their limbs and eyes can be changed and colored.  Likewise their hair can be arranged and colored to your taste.  Actually, the dolls were cool, but the people were even more interesting.  Tomorrow we'll include some of the participants...

Readers Comments:

Don Burt asked for the following from NYC:

                    "A Black and White Cookie, a slice of Pizza and a dirty water dog would be nice."
                    (Ed.:  We found all of the above but had to eat them before getting on the plane...)

Big Wave Dave asked what we thought was the hardest thing about rollerblading.  We thought it was "the sidewalk."  Wrong...

                      The hardest part about about rollerblading is telling your parents that you are GAY!!
                      (Ed.:  It's okay they know.  Speaking of the rainbow of sexuality, if you haven't seen "Milk" make sure you see it before it leaves the big screen.  Well deserved                                    
Oscar to Sean "Spiccolli" Penn.)

Finally, we have a NYC story to share with the interested and curious.  Actually, it happens to be a Harlem story.  It turns out that LoLa has always had a buring desire to see the Abbyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem.  We all thought that that was a fairly good idea and liked the concept, but weren't quite sure how to best carry out the tour.  So when we found ourselves (LoLa, Alec, Gidget and the Professor) coming back from the Cloisters on the upper West Side (Yeah, like "Westside Story") Saturday evening, LoLa decided we should go see the Abbyssinian Baptist Church (ABC) right then.  The rest of us were a bit sketchy about this gambit since the sun was going down and none of us were familiar with the area.  But she persisted and we found ourselves walking down Martin Luther King Boulevard right in the middle of the ghetto.  So as we're walking down the street, we are overtaken by a group of 40 or 50 teenagers.  They're loud and boisterous and having a great Saturday night, when suddenly a fight breaks out between a boy and a girl near the front of the group.  She is wailing on this guy and she must be either really mean or lucky because he couldn't or wouldn't swing on her.  We duck into a little shop as the middle eastern proprietor bolts the door and won't let anyone else in.  We buy some waters and the guy kinda laughs nervously about the kids.  But it's okay.  By now it's dark, but when everything calms down, we head out again and now we've got the Apollo Theatre in sight!  Cool.  Just about then we get to the big corner of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and we're waiting for the light to change when katty-corner across the street we hear BANG, BANG - BANG!  Gunshots!  People across the street are hitting the deck and a lady with a baby carriage next to me is yelling, "GUNSHOTS!  MY BABY!  MY BABY! GUNSHOTS!  Fortunately, we have seen a lot of movies and imediately ducked around the corner and into a subway station.  The Professor imediately proclaimed the tour over and directed the group to the downtown subway tracks.  He chided LoLa for the bad timing, but she responded by suggesting that we had merely gotten the entire Harlem experience.  Gee, we never thought of it like that...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!


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