Maybe Baby Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

"Hello Baby!  Yeah, this is the Big Bopper speaking..."  Damn, Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and the Big Bopper all in one fell swoop.  50 years ago today...

A beautiful day here in Southern California.  Our photo shows a clear cloudless sky interrupted only by an errant light pole.  How did that get there?  25 miles visibility with just a tad of smoggies in the corners.  Winds are offshore by 3.5kts and the sea surface is glassy.  The air temperature is 52.5º and the water is up to 58.5º.  Not bad for February. Low tide is at 10:47am +0.5' and high tide is at 5:57pm +2.6'.  The buoy is reading the swell out of 230ºat 1.6' and we're agreeing that it's about 1' and poor.  There aren't any waves anywhere.

Now we've investigated the long range forecast and they're telling us that we should have some weather on Thursday and Friday.  We're hoping this brings some waves, although the usual drill is for it also to bring some wind and confused conditions.  Our hope is that things get straightened out by the weekend.  We'll keep you up to date. 

"Yeah baby, you know what I like..."

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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