Monsoon Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Attached you'll find Buck and the Professor being welcomed to the Redondo Union High School Alumni Surf Contest.  The girls are the score keepers and just happen to be Les Congiliere's granddaughters.  Les is the Redondo High surf coach.  Let's look at the stats and more on the other pics!

Rainy this morning, with about an half mile visibility.  Some serious rain squalls from time to time.  Winds are out of the SE by 15.5kts and the sea surface has a backwards tack from the offshore.  The air temperature is 55.4 and the water is 56.1.  Only two tides today (one if you don't plan on being up at 1am.)  High tide at 1:35am +4.6' and low tide will be at 9:52am +1.0'.  The buoy is reading a 9.8' swell out of 181.  Most of the big ones aren't making the turn, so we're calling it 6' to 7' and actually pretty good shape, if you don't mind being drenched in the squalls as they blow through.  We haven't seen any lightning, but that always sticks in the back of our minds when it's coming down this hard.  You are sorta the highest thing on the water...

The other two pics are:  Buck doing a big finish on a rather stout wave.  A couple of seconds before he was scratching to make it to the bottom, with it trying to pitch him headlong into the peanut gallery.  It was cool - the younger guys were hooting and offering encouragement.  The Professor is shown on a gurgling layback as he got to the end of a silly little left.  Somehow it looked much cooler in his head - but then everything does...  We were really impressed by all of the competitors.  They were there to have a good time and all of the guys were supportive and in good spirits.  We encourage all of you RUHS guys who didn't make it this year to join in next time.  The entry fee was 20 bucks and you got 4 times that amount in swag!  After the raffle Buck went home with (among other goodies) a wetsuit, a boogeyboard, a surf sling and a hat that probably can't be made small enough for his head!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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