Future Shock Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

If you're interested in what the future holds for us, take a look at this shot taken by Big Wave Dave.  Apparently, the Biohazard Crew is going for the flat black look on some Detroit Iron.  Maybe the whole spoiler thing is being negated by those truck mirrors?  We're just standing back waiting for the anthrax to settle out....  

Clear skies today and a beautiful Friday.  Visibility 20 miles.  Winds were offshore early at 3.9kts and the ocean surface was glassy.  The air temp was a cool 46.9° and the water was not warm at 56.1°. High tide was early at 4:53am +5.4' and low tide followed at 12:24pm -0.8'.  Predominantly out of the west at 260° the buoy is reading a 3' swell and that about sums up the wave height as well at most of the beaches.

The other evening we were walking along the Esplanade and noted how loud the waves were.  We started thinking about all of the conditions that cause loud waves.  Like big waves are loud - booming in fact. Waves breaking right on the shore are loud.  Happens a lot at high tide.  Then sometimes it's loud when it's low tide because it's breaking in shallow water and the waves kind of "pop.."  We mention this because we thought at some point we might just describe the waves as loud - so be ready to fill in the blanks.

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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