We're Talkin' Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

The first thing we want to do today is apologize to Sting Ginther.  We were up at the top of Avenue A yakking with Sully and we decided the surf wasn't really very good.  Well, it wasn't - THERE..  We headed up to the Cove and sure enough it was going off.  Not big time, but there were only five other people in the water and it was waist to chest high.  We surfed Boneyards while everyone else was in the middle.  The kelp kept everything smooth and the tide was in a good mood as well.  The wind was on, but it barely blew the whole time.  We should'a suggested to Sting that we'd go up the hill, but we really didn't think it would be that good - honest!  We included a photo...

This morning we were greeted to partly cloudy skies and an onshore wind out of the WSW at 3.9kts.  The sea surface had a bit of a tack to it.  The air temperature was 53.2° and the water was 56.5°, although we'd swear there were some warmer spots.  High tide was at 12:38am +5.1' and the only real tide of the day was low at 8:45am +1.5'.  The buoy was reading a swell out of 270° at 4.3' and we called it 3' to 4'.

We told you how yesterday the Professor read to Mrs. Bogart's 3rd Grade Academic Athletes.  That, in and of itself was daunting enough.  Third graders in Lunada Bay have a fair amount of life experience, compared to say a kid who grew up in the Jerupa School district.  But the readers they attracted were outrageous!  There were about 20 readers and they started the introductions out with an ACTRESS.  She had credits that sounded like Kate Winslett.  Then, there was a cop in a uniform that looked like he should be the dictator of a middle sized Central American country.  There were several former teachers and librarians and then there was the guy that does all the voice overs for the movie trailers!  There he was in person - the VOICE!  Then they got to the Professor's side of the Cafetorium and there was the first movie director.  Then there was David Benoit.  Yeah, jazz pianist David Benoit.  Sheesh!  Keep going...  Next there was Janice Richard, who has written three books and one of them is about growing up as a daughter to an NFL coach (George Allen) and she teaches yoga in her spare time.  Then there was John Romano who directed the "Beast" and other movies and next to him was Mr. Richard who is a screenwriter and producer.  The line producer for the "Office" (Kelly ?) rounded things out and then there was the Professor, who by the way was dressed in his best Hawaiian shirt and cords.  To his credit, he wore closed toed shoes (it was raining.)  By the time they got to him he couldn't remember what he had done or why he was there, so he bowed when they said his name!  That got their attention.  Kids love it when you bow and adults become unnerved.  Perfect.

Notes From Our Readers:

Buck wrote:

"Is that class really in California?  Caus where are the Hispanic kids?"
(We're sure there were some there, but maybe they were camera shy.  On the other hand this was Lunada Bay...  Ed.)

"Boomfwappa Says:  you've been duped!  Do you know what "Maricela's Bionicos and antojitos" stands for?  Maricela's metal and cardboard entres. All those ingredients you mentioned are the makings for cardboard.  That's what Boomfwappa says."
(Best tasting metal and cardboard food we've ever had... Ed.)

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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