Therapeutic Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Good morning!  One of those beautiful Southern California March days.  It could almost pass for a Spring day - but it's not - it's still Winter.  We know it's winter because we've still got moss on the bricks in the back yard.  If you look at the photo long enough, it's hard to tell whether it's bricks or a an aerial photo of Irish farmland.  In fact we got stuck standing there for about a half an hour looking for leprechauns...

Partly cloudy this morning and as the wind kicks up it's starting to blow some of the clouds out to Riverside.  Visibility is 25 miles and Santa Monica looks close enough to paddle to.  Winds are offshore by 1.9kts and the sea surface is smooth.  You can expect that to change fairly early in the morning.  The air temperature is 50.6°and the water is 56.7°  High tide is at 10:48am +4.9' and low tide will follow at 4:45pm +0.3'.  We have a west swell coming out of 243° at 2.3'.  The only problem is the tide isn't cooperating and pretty much making what little waves there are unrideable.  Might be a good day to paddle your outrigger.

Weighing in on the Bull Pen:

Ahhhhhh...The Bull Pen! Many moons ago I had a friend who told me about the Bull Pen and the wonderful food that was served there. I had been of the opinion that it was a dive bar and that only hard core alchies would ever go there.  Based on my buddy's endless urging, I finally went there for dinner. When I opened the front door, my immediate reaction was to call the fire department. Clouds of cigarette smoke billowed from the front door as it cracked open. Yes, this was the days before the great Californian Ban on Smoking. (Or was it?!)  If there was ever an argument regarding second hand smoke, that place was it! The food was cheap but mediocre.. Wasn't really a bargain after I calculated in the dry cleaning bill!  -  Seawolf

It might just be the lighting on my computer screen but the old guy in the picture with the young lady seems to have a blue beard!  -  Buck
(Excellent observation!  Always eager to please Danger Boy actually tinted his beard blue to make the other patrons feel comfortable.  Ed.)

So, we'll be heading out of town for a long weekend and the Surf & Culture Report will resume on Tuesday, March 17th, which just happens to be St. Patrick's Day.  Gee, what happened to our green trunks?

Great bumper sticker:  HORN BROKE  -  WATCH FOR FINGER.

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it... '
 The Professor!!

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