Farah Fawcett Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co..

Okay, when you think of lost boys, like LOST BOYS with all caps, you gotta think of Michael Jackson.  Even the whole Neverland, Peter Pan theme!  He was obviously one of the most stellar personalities of our time, however, it remains that he never got to play that one gig that he really wanted.  Boomfwappa, told us in an exclusive interview this morning, that the Portagees had finally asked Michael to sing at their Festa in Paramount.  When they called him yesterday morning they said he said he was, "Thrilled!" He was obviously excited and then the phone mysteriously disconnected.  Later they heard that he had been rushed to the hospital.  Taking his place as headliners will be "Herminio Silva and the Silva-tones."

Under overcast skies this morning we have 10 miles visibility.  Looks like it will probably break up mid-morning.  Winds are out of the SW by 1.9kts and the sea surface was smooth to a light tack.  The air temp was 59.7° at 7am and the water temp was 63.7°.  Low tide was at 7:00am -0.9' and high tide will follow at 1:43pm +4.5'.  The buoy is reading a swell out of 205° at 2..3'.  We're calling the waves at the Hermosa Pier 2' with an occaisional 3 footer.  The avenues were right around 2' and Mike Ginther gave it a good try.  He probably doesn't realize how close he got to having everybody suit up!

Finally, we have to say goodbye to the iconic Farah Fawcett.  Although, we really can't say we knew her well, we weren't exactly stranger either.  We sat next to her at the first Viginia Slims Tennis Tournament and didn't recognize her until someone came down for an autograph.  She had her trademark locks tucked under a baseball cap and was wearing some oversized shades.  Of course she sat there the whole time and didn't ask for our autograph either.  The next time we saw her we were taking the back trail from Rat Beach.  She and Lee Majors owned that big house behind the one that Struble owns on the bluff.  We don't exactly remember the conversation, but it ended up with Danger Boy saying that she wasn't his favorite Charlie's Angel.  She took umbrage at that remark and chased us away with a rake.  You can criticize her acting, modeling or her hairstyle, but that woman could handle a rake!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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