Wasilla Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

So we made it to Juneau and looked up the Governor to see how things were going.  Photo number one is her digs in the classy section of Juneau.  Now that's not saying a hell of a whole lot.  Juneau is built on a rather steep hillside and the Governor's Mansion is flung right up there among the rest of the citizens and their dwellings.  We did talk to a couple of locals and they were kinda cool about the Gov.  Apparently there is a lot of local pride in Alaska, so if you're from Juneau, you're all about Juneau and Sitka ain't shucks.  Since the Guv is from Wasilla, the Juneau-kees don't think she's all that hot.  Nice pad though.  Looked like Tara...

An overcast morning with 7 miles visibility.  Winds were out of the SW by 3.9kts and there was a bit of a bump on the water.  The air temperature was 61.7° and the water was a tolerable 64.8°  Low tide starts out the morning at 5:29am -1.7' and high tide is at 12:06pm +4.1'.  In fact it's all about the tides for next few days.  The low tides break a bit lined up, so you have to be patient and wait for a little water.  The swell is reading 2.0' out of 207° and we're agreeing with the 2' reading.  Hermosa looked a little bigger and El Porto even a tad bigger, but even more walled up.

Notes to the Editor:

Can you see Russia from the deck of that dam ship?  Carol Cavelli 
(The answer is a resounding, YES!  But you have to be a lot closer than we got.)

Maybe the Professor's buffet plate was cropped out of the pic?. . .  (In response to the Professor's photo looming large in the life vest.)  Paver
(YES!  The buffet plate was cropped out of the photo.  It was a distraction and suggested that the Professor was eating eggs Benedict at 2 in the afternoon.  You know you can get hot dogs and hamburgers 24/7!  Yippee!)

Glad you made it back, sounds like you saw some nice sights but I am curious about the ship ride.
Hope they didn't go tippy tippy.  dono
(Well dammit the boat DID go tippy-tippy and on the downhill leg of the journey to Sitka the Professor was unable to make the formal dinner party.  He attempted several remedies including candied ginger, ginger ale, peanuts, wrist bands and bonine.  Despite all of the above he looked like a green olive in a suit with a pimento for a nose.  Unfortunately, that green didn't go with his charcoal suit so he retired for the evening and strapped himself to his bunk.)

Our second photo was also in Juneau about 2 blocks from the governor's mansion.  We were crossing the street and we saw this rather stout porcupine rummaging around the overhead crossing stairs..  He was totally nonplussed by our presence and just kept on sniffing the corners looking for someplace (we imagine) to sharpen his spines.  There was a family there from San Francisco and the Professor had them pretty much convinced that the beast could shoot his spines across the street at them.  Ha ha!  They really can't, can they?? 

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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