Tantalizing Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

We just bought an older car.  So we had to get it smogged.  We went to the smog barons and they tested it.  Just as we were walking in we saw that sign in the photo - GROSS POLLUTER CERTIFICATION.  It brought  back a flood of memories of the Isuzu Gross Polluter and our many adventures.  Alas this new beater passed with flying colors.  So we said to Mr. Smog Tester, "Uh, what do we do now?"
Him:  "Anything you want.  It passed."
Us:  "You mean we can drive it around like a regular car?"
Him:  "Yeah, pretty much.  But if you go too fast or don't stop at red lights, you'll get a ticket."
Us:  "Dude, that's really cool!"
Him:  "You don't do this very often do you?"
Us:  "You could tell, couldn't you..."

So under cloudy overcast skies we had about 5 miles visibility.  Even got a bit of rain/drizzle around 9am in Redondo.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 61.2° and the water was 63.3°, even though the board at the Hermosa Pier keeps insisting that it's 67°.  High tide was at 12:10pm +3.5' and low tide was at 4:14pm +2.6'.  Tomorrow we start having some minus tides in the am, bright and early.  The buoy was reading a 3.0' swell out of 192° (SW) and we're calling the waves 1' to 2'.  Our plan is to hit it earlier tomorrow and slip through the low tide and we hope some better waves.

Our second shot was at the Automobile Club in their deluxe waiting room.  If you looked at the tile long enough everything looked green.  We were in the middle of one of our marathon staring sessions when our name got called.  A nice green lady helped us with all of the pretty green forms and according to the green clock it didn't take all that long once we got rolling.  We went straight home and had eggs and ham...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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