Weatherbeaten Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Damn!  We're late again tonight!  We'll try and do better in the morning.  Speaking of mornings, this morning was a little unusual in that it rained.  Not just a little bit, but quite a healthy downpour with occasional lightning and thunder.  Our photos show a couple of views of the weather as it decided to pour a bit of liquid sunshine on us.  The weatherman says that it's not exactly over yet and that we might get a couple of more days of the same kind of unstable weather.  We thought about this a while and decided our seasons are all mixed up.  Yeah, we decided that summer is July, August and September.  Fall is October, November and December.  Spring is January, February, March and April and last but not least, Winter is May and June.  We base this on our wardrobe and whether or not the sun is out..

Three miles visibility under heavily clouded skies this morning.  Rain light to heavy throughout the day.  Winds started light out of the SW at 3.9kts and the sea surface had a generous tack to it.  The air temperature was 60.1° at 7am and the water is 61.7°.  High tide was at 7:42am +3.5' and low tide will be at 12:41pm +1.6'.  The buoy is reading a 2.6' swell out of 193° and we're calling it 1' and poor.  Our hope is that the storm brings in a few rollers for our surfing pleasure.

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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