
Showing posts from November, 2009

Thanksgiving Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... H appy Thanksgiving to all of you Turkeys out there!  As in the past Thanksgiving doesn't end on Thursday.  Nope, you can slide right into Friday with Murph's "Turkey Hop" (check out the flier.)  Dammit, if we're not always on the road on Friday - but YOU can make it!  We expect a full report... A beautiful clear day on this Thanksgiving 2009!  25 miles visibility and a bit of low lying haze on the deck.  Winds are offshore by 1.9kts and the sea surface is glassy.  The air temp is 62.6° and the water is also 62.6°.  Low tide is late at 11:32am +1.9' and high tide will follow at 4:59pm +3.5'.  Not much of a dramatic change.  The #46221 buoy is reading a WSW swell out of 239° at 2.3'.  We're calling it 2' to 3' and rising throughout the day. F rom:  Carol Covelli John wants to sell a new surfboard that he has ridden only twice (practically new.) It is a board by John Carper of Hawaii (???) and is 6'2" X ...

Whirlpool Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o, photo #1 is Corn-Boy out on the edge at the Cove ready to bring things around and start all over again.  We don't know who took the pics, but they're good!  If they need some elderly subjects, we have just the crew! S unny bright morning!  25 miles visibility and nary a cloud in the sky.  Winds are offshore by 1.9kts and the sea surface is glassy.  The air temperature was 50.6° at the checkout and the water is 62.4°.  Low tide is at 10:40am +2.5' and high tide will be at 3:40pm +3.5'.  The buoy is reading a swell out of the SSW at 213°.  It's 2.3' and we're calling it 1' to 2' and a bit wally-crashy. S ince rumors of Danger Boy's travails have caused some distortion in the force, we thought we would run this pic that was taken last Friday.  He is shown here propped up by LoLa on the left and Danger Girl on the right.  He is expected to make a full recovery after his most recent struggle with a stapler. H appy ...

Automatic Transmission Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Our opening shot today is Corn Boy at the Cove.  He rips for a little Corn-Boy on that Rastafarian blade!  Thanks to Mom, Mary Kay Stimpfl, for sending in this one and a couple of others.  We'll run another tomorrow...  (Did you notice that the water is still a bit reddish from Danger Boy's last visit??) Sunny this morning.  It felt good on our backs as we checked out the surf.  15 miles visibility and only a few high clouds.  Winds were offshore and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temperature was 60.1° and the water is 62.6°.  Low tide is at 9:21am +3.1' and high tide is just a smidge higher at 2:06pm +3.8'.  The surf is coming in from the west at 265° at 2.6' and we're calling the waves2' to 3'.  We surfed Torrance Beach with the Coach (pictured above.)  TJ (photo #3) decided he'd make it into work and clean off his desk so he could take the next half of the week off.  Excellent idea Tyrone!...

Late Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Y ou know things were going pretty damned smoothly until we decided to talk to Boomfwappa, who's vacationing in Idaho with Anaconda Burke and the family.  Idaho is COLD and Boomfwappa was insulating himself from the inside out with some high octane antifreeze.  We'll call him in the morning to see how it all worked out... A nother beautiful day in the Southland.  We had 25 miles visibility, under a cloudless sky.  Winds were offshore by 3.3kts and the sea surface was smooth verging on glassy.  The air temperature was 55.6° and the water was 61.0°.  Low tide was at 7:19am +3.4' and high tide was at 12:37pm +4.2'.The buoy was reading a 3.9' swell out of 258° WSW and we thought it was about 3' to 4'. F rom:  Vicki and Greg Gomez   Greg's dad  passed away  yesterday .  He has joined Sally, his wife, very peacefully in heaven. The family was at his side; it was special and perfect. A rosary will be held Tues...

Free Association Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... P ictured we have the mother-daughter team of Beth McSorely and Karly Goins.  Karly is the #1 ranked woman surfer on the BMHS roster and our vote to take the Coastal League Women's crown.  Maybe it's a tiara, we're not sure?!  The archetypal surf mom, Beth surfs and brings hot coffee and chocolate to all the meets and practices, hauls all the rash guards and is in charge of the official banner.  If she didn't have a bad ankle we'd send her in as well!  Karly finished 1st in today's contest even after she stayed up until 3:30am watching the latest "Twilight" release, "New Moon."  She made it to the contest, but we're not sure she made it to school, ZZzzzzz... I f you were south of Avenue F, you thought it was a brilliantly clear morning.  However, north of Avenue F you imagined the world to be socked in with fog and visibility was down to a hundred yards.  Winds were off and out of the NNE by 3.9kts.  The sea surface...

Thuringer Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S ome days everything looks like white water.  S unny this morning with 17miles visibility.  Winds are offshore by 3.9kts and the sea surface is smooth with a bit of brush to it.  The air temp is 56.3° and the water is 62.1°.  High tide is at 9:32am +5.9' and low tide will follow at 5:08pm -0.2'.  That's the last of the minus tides this week, so if you're planning a sunset walk along the beach, tonight's the night.  The buoy is reading a strong 4.6' swell out of the west at 279°.  We're calling it 4' to 5' with some nice thick outsides.  Go fast and don't spend a lot of time on that bottom turn... "You can get more with a kind word and a gun, than you can with a kind word alone." Johnny Carson "I was in a beauty contest once.  I not only came in last, I was hit in the mouth by Miss Congeniality." Phyllis Diller "The only thing that stops God from sending another flood is that the first one was usele...

Try A Wrench Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S ince we spend a lot of our time confounded by events, we were wondering about Danger Boy and how long he has to stay out of the water.  We couldn't exactly remember if it was two or three weeks.  So, we thought we'd check with the experts on the length of time you should be out of the water for various procedures.  It turns out that a number of things like Scrotal Surgery, Stone Blasting, and Adult Circumcision allow you back in a week or under.  Of course that may vary with the amount of TNT they use for stone blasting (ask Buck, he's had his stones blasted!)  On the other extreme a Nephrectomy, Radical Prostatectomy or Radical Cystectomy (anything radical in this case really is) will sideline you for a month or more.  So Danger Boy is in the Bladder Neck Suspension or Transurethral Prostate Surgery time frame.  Geez, it didn't look THAT bad!  We've got to stop taking pictures at the urologist's office... T here was so m...

Watch Out For That Tree Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... G ack!  Look at that brown air out there!  The fact that it's out there is little consolation when you know it's going to blow back over here in just a few hours. B eing that all of that smog is out over the ocean we currently have clear skies and unlimited visibility.  Winds are out of the NE by 1.9kts and the sea surface is glassy.  The air temperature at checkout was a brisk 54.5°, while the water was a bit warmer at 62.1°.  High tide was really high at 8:27am +6.5' and low tide is really low at 3:46pm -0.7'.  A good day to walk along the wet sand or explore the tide pools.  It's good for those things because there's almost no surf.  The buoy is reading a 1.6' swell out of 211° SSW and we're calling it basically flat. B ut there's good news in the weather report!  A cold front will spread rain and cooler weather into northern California today. Rain will spread as far south as San Francisco by tonight before runnin...

Magyar Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O ur photo this morning is of a gigantic orange-red jelly fish caught off of Japan.  These things are about as big as refrigerators and weight around 450lbs.  They are getting to be a real nuisance, since they caught in nets and sting the fish that are in there, rendering them inedible.  The jellyfish have been migrating farther north following increasingly warmer water.  This used to happen about every ten years and now it's happening almost every year.  We could take care of this by simply coming up with better recipes for jellyfish.  How about peanut butter and jellyfish sandwiches?  " T he nice thing about egotists is that they don't talk about other people."   Lucille S. Harper A beautiful day today (and so are you!)  25 miles visibility under a cloudless sky and there's not even much marine haze to get in the way.  Winds are offshore by 9.3kts and the sea surface is glassy.  The air temperature is 54.8° ...

Fundamental Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... R emember when you went away to school and you had that cramped little dorm room on the 13th floor of Clothcrotch Hall, with three roommates, two of whom smoked and the third, mercifully, was almost never there.  Well, that's because, like us, you were a dumbshit.  Now, if you had been the Rock (aka Luke Maggio) this would have been the view out of your back window.  There are two reasons you can tell this is the Rock's room.  1) There is a right-hander breaking right out in front.  2) There are three ladies waiting on the veranda.  He's the only person I know that went away to school and everyone goes and visits HIM. A beautiful morning here in Southern California.  25 miles visibility under clear, cloudless skies.  Winds are already macking on shore by 15.5kts and the sea surface is rearing up to a blowing chop.  The air temp was 60.8° and the water is 63.1°.  High tide is at 6:21am +6.1' and low tide will follo...

Thalassic Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Y ou can tell from the pics that Danger Boy was in good hands right from the start.  Photo #1, describes the basic kit you need when greeting DB in the emergency room.  Yes, and lots of thread - lots.  It took 90 stitches and almost 5 hours to get the job done.  Why so long you ask?  Well, we immediately requested a plastic surgeon.  When you make your living as an icon, you need to present the best image possible.  It took the doc awhile to get to Torrance from Bel Aire (it was Wednesday and he was playing the LA Country Club.)  Then Danger Girl wanted to pick the color of the thread.  It had to match the drapes in the van.  That took a while...  Finally, there were all those tiny stitches so there wouldn't be a scar.   Wait... did he say 90 or 9 stitches?? T his morning the visibility was about 10 miles under partly cloudy skies.  Winds are offshoreby 1.9kts and the sea surface is glassy.  The...

Veteran's Day Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W ell, we have some good news and bad news... The good news is that no one got hurt:    A.  Checking out the Avenues.    B.  By falling off the cliff at the Cove the first time we looked at it.    C.  Checking out Hermosa and slipping on the pier.    D.  Because the Professor forgot his wallet.    E.  Eating breakfast at Brother's.    F.  Getting caught in the cross fire while they were closing Camino Real and the S.W.A.T. Team was moving in... B ut before the bad news...  You should know that visibility is sketchy all along the coast.  It ranges from a mile or so, to about 50 yards in close.  Winds are relatively calm and the sea surface has a deceptive glassiness to it.  The air temperature is 61.2° and the water is 63.3°.  High tide was at 5:14am +5.2' and low tide will be at 11:24am +1.5'.  The buoy is reading a west swell out of 265° at 2.3'...

Tepee Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... H ave you ever tried to explain to a police officer how come your eyes are brilliant red at 8am and you haven't been drinking or smoking dope?  It really helps if you jump out of your car with your Speedos® on and tell him you've been swimming.  They don't even ask if you've got a concealed weapon (it was kinda cool this morning,) 'cause you can't get an Uzi™ into your Speedos® even if you try it side ways.  The goggles are also a nice touch.  By the way, the Benstead Plunge is open every weekday morning at 6:30 to 8am for lap swimming.  If you're 18 to 54 it's $2 and if you're 55 or over it's $1.50.  The pool is heated and on a chilly morning (like this morning) it has this nice Transylvanian-foggy effect.  Water wings optional... A major case of the foggies this morning (not to be confused with the fogies) keeping visibility down to a hundred yards in some places and a bit more in others.  Winds are out of the north by 1...

Magnetic Bubble Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I n this morning's photo we have Carl Sagan (the cat, not the scientist) about to land on the Professor's head as he walks underneath the ladder to the solarium.  Carl is Gidget's cat and he learned how to run up the ladder.  He's got great technique going up - but going down is another matter.  In this case he decided that leaping on the Professor would be a lot faster than jumping to the fireplace mantle and then to the ground.  Both Carl and the Professor are doing fine - now... H azy sun this morning with 3 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore by 1.9kts and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temperature was 59.0° and the water is 61.7°.  Still not cold enough for booties, but getting close.  Low tide was at 8:42am +3.0' and high tide will be at 2:17pm +4.8'.  The buoy is reading a West swell out of 276° at 3.3'.  Now we don't want to contradict the buoy but there were some much larger waves than 3'.  W...

Foucalt Pendulum Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... " I f you can't be a good example, at least be a horrible warning." or... " I t just may be that your purpose in life it to serve as an example to others."     (Got it?  Okay, pay attention...) L ike the pic indicates the surf is down (but not out!)  The report got away from us yesterday, but there wasn't any surf anyway.  This morning we have 10 miles visibility, under a hazy fall sun.  Winds are straight out of the north by 5.6kts and the sea surface has a definite tack.  The air temp is 61.7° and the water is 62.2°.  High tide is at 10:30am +6.2' and low tide will follow at 6:16pm -0.4'.  The buoy is reading a swell out of 248° WSW at 2.3'.  We're calling it 2' and there were some nice little peelers early at the Hermosa Pier.  The call is early tomorrow.  The tide needs to be medium to low to make things work.  There is also a bit of a swell on the way, so it could be happening in the early am. ...

Webster's Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Y ou know how we try to include a photo or two with our reports.  Most of the time the Professor points at something he finds passingly interesting and then foists it off as an illustration.  But sometimes a for-real photog shows up and demonstrates how it's actually done.  In this case, Mike McKinney shot these Monday evening when the fog was closest to the ground and maximized that surreal effect fog often creates.  Mike has had his work in numerous shows and has experimented with stereoscopic images and all kinds of cool stuff.  If you've ever seen any of his travel pics, they look like he was on assignment for national Geographic!  He also surfs and paddles better than almost everyone we know... F oggy again this morning, in case you want to give Mike a run for his money.  Two miles visibility, with the sun trying it's best to poke through the haze.  Winds are out of the NW by 3.9kts and the sea surface has a generous ...

Torch It Off Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Y ou get some idea how the ghastly wet foggies have crept in, from this photo of a trio of palm trees above Hennessey's. We're calling it a hundred yards visibility, but in some corners it looks about half that. Winds are gentle out of the NW by 1.9kts and the sea surface is obscured (although we did walk out onto the Hermosa pier and can pretty much vouch for glassiness.) The air temperature is 57.9° and the water is 63.9°. High tide is at 8:26am +6.6' and low tide will be at 3:36pm -0.7'. If the fog lifts by this afternoon it'll be a great time to do some beachcombing along the super low-tide line. The buoy is reading a WSW swell out of 251° at 2.0'. We're calling it pretty much flat... S ome of you will be able to see our second photo of the Professor, the Maharishi and Buck. (We don't exactly know why some of you won't, but that's the way it is...) This is them looking fairly chipper and be-suited as ...

Full Moon Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W e ran across the board game shown in our first photo in a coffee shop in Boise.  We decided it pretty much covered how you have to look at things, including this report.  We think it might make a good title bar for a lot of the stories we run.  Carry on... Under hazy, but cloudless skies visibility is 15 miles.  A lot of heavy marine air, including a rather staunch fog bank ringing the mouth of the bay.  It'll be interesting when the wind changes.  Currently winds are calm and the sea surface is glassy.  The air temperature is 59.2° and the water is stabilizing after that cold upwelling at 63.3°.  Some generous tidal swings today with high tide at 7:54am +6.4 and low tide at 2:54pm -0.5'.  The buoy is reading a 2' swell out of the west at 273°.  We're calling it basically flat, with some one footers trying to break... You might recall a few years ago when we were running Leslie Lewis' series of reports from Cairo...