Fundamental Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Remember when you went away to school and you had that cramped little dorm room on the 13th floor of Clothcrotch Hall, with three roommates, two of whom smoked and the third, mercifully, was almost never there.  Well, that's because, like us, you were a dumbshit.  Now, if you had been the Rock (aka Luke Maggio) this would have been the view out of your back window.  There are two reasons you can tell this is the Rock's room.  1) There is a right-hander breaking right out in front.  2) There are three ladies waiting on the veranda.  He's the only person I know that went away to school and everyone goes and visits HIM.

A beautiful morning here in Southern California.  25 miles visibility under clear, cloudless skies.  Winds are already macking on shore by 15.5kts and the sea surface is rearing up to a blowing chop.  The air temp was 60.8° and the water is 63.1°.  High tide is at 6:21am +6.1' and low tide will follow at 1:04pm +0.1'.  The buoy is reading a west swell out of 271° at 4.9'.  We're calling it 3' to 4' with some bigger floppier sets.  If the wind would stop, it might be pretty good, but there's not much chance of that, is there?  Let's just hope it gives us a break in the morning tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, the Bishop Montgomery surf team will be competing at Hermosa Pier.  The first heat hits the water at 9:30am for all you late risers.  They had a great go-out yesterday, beating Peninsula, North/West, and Narbonne in a 4-way.  Taking first place in their heats were JP Anderson, Karly Goins, Alex Numa, and Barry Omatsu.  Tomorrow they have a five-way with the same teams and San Pedro.

From:  Big Wave Dave
I've been swimming 2-3 times per week at the Plunge starting last Memorial Day.  I'm part of the 11-1 crew.  Buy a book of 20 passes and you get 1 free!!  I've never been a lap swimmer but what a great mid-day break and what an improvement to my prone paddle surfing.  Well at least I can feel it if no one can actually see it!
(FREE!  We like that concept!  We went this morning after checking the surf...  Ed.)

From:  Carol Covelli
I am sure happy to see that Doug is smiling. He is in good hands with that Doc. He is the same Dr. who took care of my Japanese student when I took him to the emergency room.  90 stitches!  He is Mr. Lucky!  Boomfwappa is right.

From:  SeaWolf
I think that one of my favorite Danger Boy injuries was the year that I was driving the Lost Boys to the airport for the Mexico surf trip. Danger Boy walks out of his front door, puts his board on the surf racks, sits in the back seat of my car and says, "Hey look, I'm bleeding!"
Every day is an adventure for Danger Boy!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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