Automatic Transmission Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Our opening shot today is Corn Boy at the Cove.  He rips for a little Corn-Boy on that Rastafarian blade!  Thanks to Mom, Mary Kay Stimpfl, for sending in this one and a couple of others.  We'll run another tomorrow...  (Did you notice that the water is still a bit reddish from Danger Boy's last visit??)

Sunny this morning.  It felt good on our backs as we checked out the surf.  15 miles visibility and only a few high clouds.  Winds were offshore and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temperature was 60.1° and the water is 62.6°.  Low tide is at 9:21am +3.1' and high tide is just a smidge higher at 2:06pm +3.8'.  The surf is coming in from the west at 265° at 2.6' and we're calling the waves2' to 3'.  We surfed Torrance Beach with the Coach (pictured above.)  TJ (photo #3) decided he'd make it into work and clean off his desk so he could take the next half of the week off.  Excellent idea Tyrone!  There is a storm system spinning out up north and tomorrow might just be a bit bigger.

We were speaking of Danger Boy earlier and we have it on good authority that he is doing better since his last brush with disaster.  Apparently he was helping some of the children put together pilgrim hats at the CFM Thanksgiving Dinner Party when a stapler malfunctioned.  First reports suggested that he had stapled his thumb to the inseam of his pants.  There were copious amounts of blood and some of the children needed trauma counseling before returning to the meal.  He managed to rip his thumb out of his bloodied chinos and soldiered on through the meal...  Danger Boy - Aawaaayyyy!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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