Full Moon Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

We ran across the board game shown in our first photo in a coffee shop in Boise.  We decided it pretty much covered how you have to look at things, including this report.  We think it might make a good title bar for a lot of the stories we run.  Carry on...

Under hazy, but cloudless skies visibility is 15 miles.  A lot of heavy marine air, including a rather staunch fog bank ringing the mouth of the bay.  It'll be interesting when the wind changes.  Currently winds are calm and the sea surface is glassy.  The air temperature is 59.2° and the water is stabilizing after that cold upwelling at 63.3°.  Some generous tidal swings today with high tide at 7:54am +6.4 and low tide at 2:54pm -0.5'.  The buoy is reading a 2' swell out of the west at 273°.  We're calling it basically flat, with some one footers trying to break...

You might recall a few years ago when we were running Leslie Lewis' series of reports from Cairo.  There was a great story about how she donned the berqa and walked around hidden despite all of her blondness.  Of course she couldn't hide the fact that she's almost six feet tall and that she was wearing Converse sneeks.  Turns out the Egyptians are reconsidering the wearing of the traditional religious garb in public.  Not surprisingly, most of the women aren't crazy about the idea.  Do you know how much money they must be saving on rouge and lipstick?  Of course eye makeup is still off the charts.

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"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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