Thalassic Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

You can tell from the pics that Danger Boy was in good hands right from the start.  Photo #1, describes the basic kit you need when greeting DB in the emergency room.  Yes, and lots of thread - lots.  It took 90 stitches and almost 5 hours to get the job done.  Why so long you ask?  Well, we immediately requested a plastic surgeon.  When you make your living as an icon, you need to present the best image possible.  It took the doc awhile to get to Torrance from Bel Aire (it was Wednesday and he was playing the LA Country Club.)  Then Danger Girl wanted to pick the color of the thread.  It had to match the drapes in the van.  That took a while...  Finally, there were all those tiny stitches so there wouldn't be a scar.  Wait... did he say 90 or 9 stitches??

This morning the visibility was about 10 miles under partly cloudy skies.  Winds are offshoreby 1.9kts and the sea surface is glassy.  The air temp was 58.3° and the water was 63.0°.  High tide was 5:48am +5.7' and low tide follows at 12:18pm +0.7'.  The buoy is reading a 2.6' swell out of the west at 265°.  We're calling it 3' and most of the beach breaks are closing out at around 3'.

Big Daddy
Inquiring Minds want to Know!
Curious . . . did it help indulge any favor with Danger Girl?
(No report - however she did seem most solicitous...  Ed.)

From:  Boomfwappa
Boomfwappa says: You know...most "Lost Boys are proud of their handles and usually  live up to the name that the Surf God has given them...but...I do believe it is time for "Danger Boy" to ask for a name change.....perhaps "Mr. Lucky" will do...he NEEDS a change...!!!!!  That's what Boomfwappa says:
(oh yeah....nothing with the word "Death" in it)

(Good idea, but we're not sure about Mr. Lucky.  That might be too much too ask...  Ed.)

From:  Big Wave Dave
I've been swimming 2-3 times per week at the Plunge starting last Memorial Day.  I'm part of the 11-1 crew.  Buy a book of 20 passes and you get 1 free!!  I've never been a lap swimmer but what a great mid-day break and what an improvement to my prone paddle surfing.  Well at least I can feel it if no one can actually see it!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!


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