April Fool's Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Dammit!  You can't believe anything you read today!  Yeah, it's April Fool's day and we're liable to say anything just to get a yuk.  Like our first photo.  That's a picture of Danger Boy's office.  It had just sprung a leak and the water was flying into the air getting all the theater goers soaked.  We tried calling the NALMS office (North American Lake Management Savants) but we just got a recording.  Hey, dudes - it's your water...

Some brilliant sun this morning, with a few errant clouds chattering along.  25 miles visibility and LA is looking like a postcard, with billowing white clouds hugging the mountains in the background and all those shiny buildings, suggesting commerce and progress unabated.  Winds are onshore by 1.9kts and the sea surface is choppy, a leftover from last night's strong winds and almost a rain storm.  Hey, this is Southern California and it's not going to rain just to sprinkle your petunias.  The air is a chilly 47.7° and the water is almost 10 degrees warmer at 57.0°.  Jump in and warm right up!  Low tide dredges out the morning at 5:41am -0.8' and high tide follows at 11:55am +3.9'.  Our faithful 46221 buoy is reading a 5.2' swell out of 269° W.  We're calling it 4' to 7', with some bumped-out, ragged waves, smacking the sand much too hard for any fun.

Then we have our second photo, which on some level is bound to offend nearly everyone at some level, whether religious, artistic or racial.  Since we only have artistic credentials, we'd like to suggest that the person who designed this poster is going to Hell-vetica.  The sans serif version, of course.  Our first complaint, is that once again Jesus is depicted as a young Italian dude.  Come on!  He's Jewish and probably would like to represent his Semitic heritage.  Then there's the cigarette.  It's in the wrong hand.  Fire - obviously symbolic of hell, should be in the left hand.  Then there's the ink.  Our Catholic roots are going to show here, but you'd think there'd be a MOM, prominently displayed.  Finally, the shades.  Why Wayfarers?  Bad choice with German optics... 

Probably no report in the morning.  We're headed out to Boise for the holiday and will try to get in a few days of skiing.  We'll start back up on Tuesday.  The best to everyone out there and we hope your Easter is a hopeful, joyous day. 

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!


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