♣Wingding Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

From Tandis Morgan:
Thanks so much for the offer to but a bit about Tiem bikinis in your blog.  So far word of mouth has been our only real advertising method, so it'd be great to get the word out via other channels as well.  Do I need to be added to the list for your blog?  Or is it a website I can just visit?  And speaking of visiting websites... If you're interested in getting a suit for your daughter(s), you can order online at www.tiemsurf.com or get one from Fluid Ski and Surf on Artesia and Aviation. 
I also added a couple photos both in the text and as attachments.  Use any or all of them!   Thanks again, and hopefully I'll see you around this summer when I get my freedom back...
(Our pleasure!  Maybe it's just because of all the guilt we've felt about enjoying all of those bikini tops flying off in the surf, that we've decided to give a shout out to a product that keeps them on...  Our first photo is of Tiem's product in action!  Go to their website and check them out for yourself.  Our blog website is lostboysco.blogspot.com   Ed.)

A blustery day here, high in the Topaz International Trump Tower, overlooking scenic Topaz Bay and Sapphire Key.  Visibility across the bay is unlimited (except by those pesky physical obstructions and the curvature of the earth) and skies are partly (but spectacularly) cloudy.  Winds are constant at 21.4kts with significantly stronger gusts.  Sea is rough, with prominent white caps.  The air temperature is 51.3° and the water has dropped a few ticks to 57.7°.  Low tide is at 10:27am -0.1' and high tide will be at 5:46pm +3.6'.  The 46221 Buoy is reading a 268° west swell at 7.5'.  We're calling it a rugged 4' to 7' with larger sets.  If you're looking for possibilities, they could be summed up in one word:  tomorrow!

Our second two shots are from the Brother's Vs Becker 1st Annual Soccer Match.  An excellent matchup - we have from l to r, Wheatley, Corey, Ronnie, Juan and Jose.  Then we have Big "O" Oscar Barahona in goal for the Becker Team.  He made some absolutely spectacular saves in what ended up being a very close game! 

Finally, Happy Birthday wishes to LoLa who starts another trip around the sun again today!  Maybe we should buy her a bikini!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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