Fancy Footwork Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Ladies and gentlemen, may we present some of the finest individuals to ever wear the LA County Lifeguard colors!  From L to R:  Bob Souther, TC (Ted Claire,) Donny Souther, (3 unidentified,) Alan Walti and Ross McInnon.  Between the five of these seahorses, there are probably 10,000 saves.  Five of the reasons why LA county has some of the safest beaches anywhere!  We caught them on Monday night at Louey-Louey's enjoying the happy hour.

A beautiful day in the southland, with 25 miles visibility, under clear royal blue skies.  Winds were offshore this morning by 5.5kts and the sea surface was smooth, almost glassed off.  The air was a cool 48.4° and the water was a chilly 55.8°.  Where's all this global warming?  Geez, don't waste it on some volcano in Iceland for cryin' out loud... Heat up our water!  High tide is at 5:32am +4.5' and low tide will follow at 12:17pm -0.1'.  The 46221 buoy is reading a WSW swell out of 256° at 3.9'.  We're calling it 3' to 4' with some occasional larger sets.  We started out at Topaz this morning and moved over to Sapphire after the crowd showed up.  There were some nice tubes and it was a lot more organized than yesterday...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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