Right In The Thorax Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Things you seldom read anywhere else:  "Yeah, you got me right in the thorax with that one!"

The sun came up this morning with the thinly disguised purpose of heating the shit out of Redondo Beach and it's neighboring bergs.  A good job too, because there were no icebergs when we hit the water this morning.  20 miles visibility and only a bit of marine haziness.  Winds were offshore by 1.9kts and the sea surface was smooth, with a slight bump only visible to the studied eye.  The air temp was 57.0° and the water was 56.7°.  High tide was at 6:12am +4.2' and low tide will follow at 1:03pm +0.4'.  NDBC Station Buoy #46221 was reading a west swell out of 275° at 3.3'.  We ended up surfing Topaz and it was an inconsistent 3' with some bigger waves on the odd set.  Unfortunately, it looks like things are getting smaller before they'll get bigger.  The forecast is calling for increasing cloudiness over the next few days with rain in the picture on Monday.  Blug...

Mail Pouch:

Dear Prof,
Will there be a Friday soiree happy hour gathering?  If so, may defer checking out "Adultcon" @ the L.A. Convention Center. . . .  Paver

(Sorry, no soiree and we have made plans to have dinner with three people we barely know.  However, now that you can go, do tell us about Adultcon!   Ed.)

(While we were eating sand at Topaz...  Ed.)
Weds 14th 600pm with Jose.
surfed Little Reef. Fun chest high. no one out. a handful at middles. Clean shape.
Blue skies...  Andrew Staich

We know Andrew is right on, because we took a bike ride to Manhattan (check out the photo) and it was as close to a glassoff as we get at this time of year.  The best spots we saw were Manhattan Pier and Neptune St.  If there's any swell left in the morning, we're guessing Hermosa might be the place to look...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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