Farouche Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Geez, keep the Professor away from the napkins!  This incessant doodling...  Wait, we kinda like this one.  He says he's going to make some rice paper transfers and some other stuff.  Oh, yeah, there's gonna be an eyeball too... ?  Call when the t-shirts come in...

Those big white cumulus clouds bumping around the sky this morning with unlimited visibility and all the smog blown out to Las Vegas or Cedar Breaks or even Salt Lake City.  Winds started up onshore and are freshening as we speak.  12kts out of the SW and the sea surface is chopped going to white caps.  The air temp at checkout was 49.0° and the water was back to a refreshing 56.7°.  Yeah, like we thought it was going to tickle 60 and then the wind comes up, dredging all that cold water off the bottom.  Low tide is at 7:16am +0.3' and high tide will follow at 2:01pm +2.8'.  The buoy is reading a SSW swell out of 205° at 6.2' and we're looking at 4' to 6' waves bouncing off the jetting.  Sappharua is trying, but still a bit bumped.  It's supposed to rain heavily this afternoon, but you couldn't tell looking from the lanai of our 11th floor lair in the Topaz International Trump Tower Suites.  And NO we would not vote for "The Donald" for president.  He's not even a good landlord, let alone the chief executive of this great nation...

This is the Red Fox in it's native habitat outside the door of the cabin in McCall, Idaho.  We were busy snapping pics and marveling at our great luck, that this skitterish beast would venture so close to civilization.  Then we thought, "Damn, we're really not that civilized and it probably helped that Julia threw all of the bacon grease outside the window this morning..."  The power of bacon...  yes...

Then there's flying into LA from over the pole.  No, not the north pole, but the flagpole right there at Hollywood Park.  It does kinda look like the Northern Lights, skidding into LAX or a fire in engine #2.  Actually, we were messing with the exposure and we just liked the effect.
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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