Lost Boys & Co...

Alek - age six ....----> first descent , cornice bowl , mammoth .
(Can you imagine him at 12?  He'll be so fast you won't be able to catch him on camera...  Ed.)

Storm's a comin'...  Cloudy this morning with a few scattered showers and 7 miles visibility.  Winds are hard out of the SW at 6.7kts and the sea surface has a chop just south of white caps.  The air temp is a deceptively tepid 57.3° and the water has dropped to 58.6°, blown in by the front.  Low tide is early at 6:22am +0.2' and high tide will follow at 12:46am +3.0'.  The 46221 buoy is reading a SSW swell out of 212° at 4.6'.  It's right down the alley and we're getting it at 3' to 6' and it seems to be building.  It would be pretty good if it weren't so windy and chopped up.  A little too bumpy to be deluxe, but there were some guys getting good waves.  Not many though...  Maybe the wind will give us a break a mañana...

Photo #2 features the Red Professor and the Black Knight on their way to chalk up some miles at Brundage.  Not nearly as high as Alek at Mammoth's Cornice, they were conferring at a respectable 7,640'.  Brundage has an 1800' vertical drop and the longest run is a tad over 2miles.  You can get a burn if you work at it...  They did some work...  But not so much that they couldn't do a bit of the Terpsichore with Buck Naked and the Cracks (#3.)  No, they don't mind driving back in the dark...

Speaking of dancing, we're waiting on the info from Boomfwappa on Saturday's gig in the street in Old Torrance.  We'll get you the times and the line-up, if it makes a difference - and we know it does...  A lot might depend on the weather - it's supposed to rain...

Hold happier than usual thoughts for Danger Boy.  He will be having a pneumatic-sonic-immersion-implosion-decalcification procedure at Torrance Memorial on Friday a.m.  This is not, fortunately, an invasive procedure, however it requires an ungodly amount of dyscrasic high wavelength vibration, sudden starts and even more than sudden stops.  The good news:  General anesthesia.  The bad news:  He'll be waking up sooner or later... 
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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