Transactional Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Interestingly enough today's photo #1 is included in photo #2.  Maybe about a hundred years later, but who's counting?  The pier on the far left is the old lumber pier and until the late 60's the tracks were still in place all the way to the spur at Sapphire St.  There's still a divot in the wall where they could straighten the cars.  It doesn't make any sense when you see it now.  Every so often people dive there and claim to see pilings, but we've never found them...  Photo #1 was this morning just after a huge set came through that broke 30 feet beyond the rocks.  You could've gone either way, but you had to make up your mind really quick...

Clear skies after the wind blew all night and cleansed the atmosphere.  20 miles visibility, with only a bit of haze from the ocean spray.  Winds are from the NWbN starting around 5kts and gusting to 12 to 15.  A light to medium chop on the sea surface and expect white caps by mid-morning.  The air was 58.2°, but the wind has driven the water temperature back down to 56.5°.  High tide is at 5:25am +3.9' and low tide will be at 12:08pm +0.5'.  The #46221 buoy is reading a west swell out of 276° at 6.2'.  We're calling it 4' to 7', but we saw some bigger swells and some bending faces.  Actually, some isolated good waves, but you had to be in the right spot at the right time.  That's always the case isn't it...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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